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Nothing Bad Can Happen

Nothing Bad Can Happen (2013)

September. 28,2013
| Drama Horror Crime

Tore, a young lost soul involved with an underground Christian punk movement, falls in with a dysfunctional family who test his seemingly unwavering faith.


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Maz Murdoch (asda-man)

It's rare to find a film which manages to disturb and horrify without ever being exploitative or using cheap shock tactics like you'd see in the August Underground movies but Nothing Bad Can Happen manages to do exactly that. I came away from the film feeling drained and disturbed in a way that I haven't felt since Pascal Laugier's Martyrs which should certainly ring alarm bells if you can't handle upsetting subject matters in your films. Although Nothing Bad Can Happen is undoubtedly a superb piece of filmmaking, it's something I wouldn't recommend lightly due to explicit sequences involving abuse of all kinds and cruelty to animals.The film follows the true events surrounding a young self-proclaimed 'Jesus freak' called Tore who happens to have some form of autism which makes him think and act very differently to others. Tore places all of his faith in Jesus Christ and is naively taken in by a truly evil family who take advantage of his absurdly good nature. It's a fascinating meditation on evil in society and the dangers of religion. Despite being a truly gruelling watch, Nothing Bad Can Happen never gratuitously relishes in the violence and is always focused on delivering a powerful message. The fact that these events are true makes the film all the more relevant and important.First-time director Katrin Gebbe shows astonishing confidence behind the camera. Despite the ugly subject matter, the images always try to find beauty and light through the bleakness. There's a hypnotic sense of realism to the whole film which reminded me of Justin Kurzel's equally uncompromising Snowtown. The acting from the unknown cast is similarly impressive, particularly breakout star Julius Feldmeier in the lead who manages to make Tore an engaging and sympathetic main character. Sascha Alexander Gersak also feels toe-curlingly real as the malevolent patriarch determined to break Tore's Holy spirit.You could easily mistake Nothing Bad Can Happen as being the lost film in Lars Von Trier's 'Golden Hearts Trilogy' which correspondingly follows mentally-challenged protagonists as they battle through life's brutal hardships. It's just as tough to watch as seeing Emily Watson getting stoned by feral kids or Bjork dancing through life despite desperately trying to raise enough money for her son's operation. It'll be too much for some people and it does get worse as the film progresses but the reason I watch films is to be moved and provoked by some sort of emotional response. Nothing Bad Can Happen does this in spade loads.This is a haunting piece of work which will bury itself under your skin and stay there long after the credits roll. It's a torturous watch at times but it carries an important message which is extremely relevant to society today. The pacing is very slow at the beginning but it's also immersive and character-focused meaning that it's easy to engage with. There was not one moment where I was bored or distracted in its 110 minute running time. It's a heart-breaking watch which will shake you to your core. A stunning debut but proceed with caution.


NOTHING BAD CAN HAPPEN (aka TORE TANZT) could have slipped into the annals of torture porn but first time director Katrin Gebbe has such a sure hand and grasp of her subject that the film never crosses the line into degenerate entertainment (not that I'm against that). But it's refreshing to see a film that has so much on its mind and plays with our expectations while depicting a world in which beauty, truth and innocence are not only resented but demeaned and destroyed. This is a tough film which one could see as a statement on the masochism behind religious zealotry but is ultimately about human pettiness and capacity for destruction. The film seriously calls to mind the work of Lars von Trier and Gebbe deserves positive comparisons to von Trier but NOTHING has a genuineness that makes if feel poignant rather than an intellectual exercise. NOTHING BAD CAN HAPPEN is not an easy film but well worth the pain.


This extraordinary feature film debut by director Katrin Gebbe is one of the most uncompromising examinations of evil that I have ever seen. In fact, "evil" may not even be the right word to use here, because it is a word that tends to be used as an explanation in its own right, a word that pathologises individuals and prevents us from considering the social contexts within which disturbing behaviour can arise. By contrast, Nothing Bad Can Happen – whilst not providing the audience with any pat answers – places a particular set of events under a spotlight and forces us to consider some difficult questions.The story begins with a group of Jesus Freaks, young people who blend Christianity and punk rock. Among them is Tore, whose blond locks and blue eyes imbue him with a truly angelic appearance. Whilst driving home from Tore's baptism, the Jesus Freaks encounter Benno, whose pickup truck won't start. They gather round and pray over the bonnet of his vehicle, after which the engine kicks into life. Benno asks about their group and later turns up at one of their punk gatherings, where he witnesses Tore having an epileptic seizure. He takes Tore to his family's summer dwelling, a small shack on an allotment. Tore is invited to stay with the family – consisting of Benno's partner Astrid and her two children from a previous relationship, Dennis and Sanny. As there is not enough room in the hut, Tore sleeps in a tent.Although he is gently questioning of Tore's Christianity, suggesting that religion is for those who cannot handle responsibility for their own lives, Benno is initially charming. But little by little a darker side is revealed. At a barbecue, Benno jokingly jabs a pair of tongs towards Tore's face. During a gathering for Sanny's fifteenth birthday, Benno punches Tore, but then apologises for what he says is uncharacteristic behaviour. However, Benno's abuse then becomes even more serious.Throughout it all, Tore shows no inclination to leave of his own accord nor to fight back (earlier in the film one of the other Jesus Freaks makes a speech about turning the other cheek). He interprets his situation as a test set by God, although later – after a spell in hospital – he feels that God has abandoned him. Should we admire Tore's religiosity or is he hopelessly naive? Are Benno, Astrid, and the children the closest thing that Tore has to a real family, or is he simply unable to take responsibility for his own life, as Benno originally suggested? But whatever we think about Tore, the treatment he receives is truly awful.Water appears recurrently at significant moments in the film. Tore is baptised in the sea; there is a near-sexual encounter in a swimming pool; an episode of animal abuse involves water; and at one point Tom – filthy and stinking – is hosed down by Benno, only Sanny takes the hose and makes a game of it. At various points the music rumbles and gurgles, like a large object sinking into deep water.**SIGNIFICANT SPOILERS FROM THIS POINT ONWARDS**Disturbingly, Astrid goes from being a mere observer of Tore's suffering to being actively complicit in its cause. She and Benno occasionally appear surprised, appalled even, by their own behaviour, but then go on to perpetrate worse. Likewise, Dieter and Cora are occasional visitors who begin by expressing concern for Tore, but end up also participating in his suffering. I'm sure I could not have been the only audience member thinking of real-life cases such as Fred and Rosemary West (and, in fact, Nothing Bad Can Happen is based on true events in Germany). But moreover, watching ordinary people become involved in horrific events brings to mind the rise of the Nazis, not to mention more recent events such as Abu-Ghraib.At the end of the film Tore is badly beaten and mutilated, and Benno, Astrid, Dieter and Cora wrap him in a blanket and drive him out to the country. Here, Benno drops the blood-soaked young man in a copse. Benno asks him where his God is now, to which Tore raises a hand to his chest and whispers "Here". Apparently unable to cope with this demonstration of faith, Benno kicks Tore, whose body rolls down a slope and – the opposing bookend to the baptism at the beginning – comes to a rest in water with plant matter wreathed Christ-like around his head.Back at the allotment, Sanny and Dennis manage to escape and the final shot is of them walking hand-in-hand down the road. When the final credits appear, instead of scrolling upwards in the conventional manner, they scroll downwards leaving us with the feeling of a descent into hell.Director Katrin Gebbe has stated that, following a showing at Cannes, the film "had boos and cheers, escapees and long standing ovations". I cannot for the life of me think why anyone would boo this movie. Certainly, the events it depicts are shocking in the extreme and Gebbe refuses to make moral judgments on behalf of the audience. Nor is there much that can be considered uplifting, unless you feel that Tore's refusal to fight back is inspirational rather than naive. But surely these aspects are characteristic of a mature work of art that refuses to patronise its audience? In any event, although this is not an easy watch (I occasionally found myself curling my fists as I squirmed in discomfort) I consider that this is one of the stand-out movies of the year so far, underpinned by a strong script, strong direction, fine music and cinematography, and with a memorable performance by Julius Feldmeier as Tore.

Robert Harding

I was shocked to discover this is the debut feature for Katrin Gebbe. 'Nothing Bad Can Happen' is such a sure footed and skillful piece I was expecting a much more experienced director to walk onto stage when I saw the film at the Melbourne International Film Festival.Like any good film should, it drew larger themes from very simple scenarios and characters. The probing, but compassionate investigation of faith, trust and the insidious nature of violence kept me riveted. Though the main characters life would be hard for most people to relate to their own experience, his gentleness and his drive to be included in the world makes him quite universal.Be warned, though the violence in the film is shown quite discretely, the psychological aspect of it is very confronting. That being said I wouldn't want to put anyone off seeing it, there isn't any kind of gratuitous reveling in any of the violence and all necessary for the plot.Gebbe has masterfully constructed a film that illustrates how the horrors of the world stem from the banal jealousies and power plays that we all participate in. Her sensitivity to the dynamics of exploitation and how we treat the vulnerable in society is moving without resorting to sentiment or condescension.I highly recommend this film and wait with anticipation with what Gebbe will come up with next.
