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Mad Detective

Mad Detective (2007)

November. 29,2007
| Action Thriller Crime

Bun, a schizophrenic, former police inspector comes out of retirement to help a rookie detective solve a complex murder case involving a missing colleague and a suspected policeman suffering from a multiple personality disorder.


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Yashua Kimbrough (jimniexperience)

A washed up deranged detective who believes he sees ghosts and inner personalities get invited to solve a new case by a rookie cop who's way over his head: A cop has been missing for 18 months after a botched arrest in the woods. But his gun was taken by the suspect and used in multiple armed robberies, some of which resulted in murder ..Everybody is on the case to find the missing cop , and the crazy detective believes he's the man who can solve the case

Akhil Balachandran

Inspector Bun has a weird style of solving crimes and he has the ability to read inner personalities of people. Due to this behavior, he gets fired from the force. One day, Inspector Ho approaches Bun to help him in an ongoing case about a missing police officer. It's a movie that plays with your mind and force you to keep guessing throughout the movie. Ching Wan Lau plays the weird Bun character and brings all the emotions that the character demands. The concept of the movie was very simple and a thorough characterizations helps to an ending that is definitely worth the wait. Overall, it's a highly recommended for those who are looking for a serious crime thriller movie.


This film is certainly the opposite of the usual detective film. Instead of the detective catching the bad guys as a result of being logical, analytical, and clever, the lead character in this film solves crimes by psychic and irrational means. That in itself is a fascinating premise, and if this film had not gone so over the top in places, and had been more subtle, it could have been a very profound film which explored all sorts of interesting implications for the detection of crime. However, the psychic cop is just too bonkers, and extremely annoying. The intention seems to have been to portray him as disturbingly autistic, and to go for some laughs as well. I absolutely hated the Swedish TV series THE BRIDGE (2011) because the lead detective was a woman who was so extremely autistic that the series was intensely annoying and watching it became pointless. This film suffers from the same syndrome, though to a lesser extent. I also think of A BEAUTIFUL MIND (2001) in which a genius is portrayed as an annoying autistic person. Why is it that today so many movies can only portray people who are more intelligent than others by grovelling with apology to the audience for daring to show the mental superiority of character by saying: 'but don't worry, everyone, they are really crazy, and their genius is a pathological aberration, so you don't need to feel inferior.' We certainly do live in an age which could well be called The Triumph of the Lowest Common Denominator. (I say that despite the fact that, education having long since collapsed, there are probably few people left alive apart from professional mathematicians who even know what a denominator is.) In a moronic age, the only genius which is permissible is truly that which is apologetically portrayed as being outrageously insane. Then we can all feel better, can't we? Relaxing in a hot bath of ignorance can be blissful, as we drift into decline as a civilization.

Igor Muller

Very well built film, i've seen it almost by accident - just got an opportunity and decided to use it.I've never seen any films of Mr Ka-Fai Wai and Mr Johnnie To before, so i was a bit skeptical at start. my skepticism was pretty quickly driven away by the movie, and at the end I was really satisfied. May be because this movies message is somehow close to me, but still, acting was very good, directing and editing are awesome. some scenes put a huge smile on my face with a really great warm feeling inside, like the one with rain sent by god, or when he is shouting "She don't see you!". I agree with some previous comments that Hollywood can mostly reproduce some ideas like this - its worth a million alone, without huge budget spent on stars and visuals.Should add that soundtrack was a very nice one. Overall i would recommend this almost to anyone except hardcore mainstream fans.ps i am rating this 10 to compensate some downrates. this movie deserves 8+ no doubt, i would score it 8.5/10.
