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95ers: Time Runners

95ers: Time Runners (2013)

February. 14,2013
| Thriller Science Fiction

Time is unraveling, paradoxes are everywhere, and strangers with terrifying technologies are on the hunt. A thrilling, original, ultra indie full-length sci-fi movie that is the story of Sally Biggs, an FBI agent who has the power to rewind time. Her scientist husband has disappeared mysteriously, and the closer she gets to finding him, the more dangerous her life becomes. To save the future and her loved ones, Sally must enter a battlefield she never knew existed. Fortunately, she's a 95er. Surrounded by bizarre timespace paradoxes and hunted by terrifying forces from the future, Sally must discover the earth-shattering truth behind it all before her very being fades out of reality.


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Sally Biggs has the mysterious power of "rewinding" up to nine seconds of her life. She marries a guy who creates a mysterious time machine, and now, ten(?) years later, after her husband's mysterious death, mysterious forces are at work to destroy her life.Why is it all so mysterious, you may ask? Well, because nothing gets explained properly. Can Sally rewind a "rewound" time segment? Who are the baddies and what are their goals? A lot of other questions? Who knows. There's also something about some motorway in the US, though this film is apparently called "Time Runners", at least on the UK Amazon.We cut back and forth between Sally's issues, and a pair of guys in the future who are attempting to "lock on" to her timeline, so as to send someone to her before "the bogeys" do it. Alas, we have no real idea of what's going on in the future, as the only development there comes in the third act (when the "sending" of a guy over actually happens for a total of two minutes or so), and features a predictable, yet still slightly entertaining twist. Oh, and also some fighter vehicles shooting at the base of the good guys with CGI that would make the SyFy channel blush in embarrassment. Again, we get no explanations as to the nature of "the enemy", why the world is permanently on fire now, and so on.We do get some pseudoscientific technobabble that vaguely explains how time travel works, and I was amused enough to consider this of moderate interest; unfortunately, we get no proper explanation of the rules of time travel, and things remain odd throughout.In the present day, Sally is pregnant and has apparently separated from her husband before his death, due to his slowly-increasing pride and egotism. Her time-rewinding skills come in handy for her job at the FBI, where she helps her colleagues hack into some guy's dedicated Counter-Strike server (the film, unashamed of its sins, gives us gratuitous shots of the monitor during this "hacking" scene). Then her new boss figures her powers out, and begins hampering her on-the-side investigations into the paranormal.Apparently, if you have a number of positions on a map, and they sort of look like being spaced on concentric circles (that you've actually outlined on said map) according to "a blast pattern", you need a top-secret classified FBI program to tell you where the origin of this "explosion" was. I'm a simple engineer; I'd've thought some simple geometry may've been useful.Nothing proceeds to happen for the most part of the film, and we are left to revel in the stilted acting, the "A Christmas Carol" play some uninteresting supporting characters are rehearsing for at her house, and the oddly-lit scenes. Every shot of this film screams "shot on a digital camera" -- not that that's necessarily a bad thing.Credit where credit is due, there are a couple of clever "rewinding 'till you get the desired outcome" scenes in this film, and they were neat. The rest of the editing, however, is full of cuts. Hard cuts not between scenes, but within the same scene. Unfortunately, whilst the resulting effect sometimes ends up interesting, most of the time it feels like someone's been cutting up the footage by accident.At the end of the film. Sally is taken by her boss to the time machine, so that she may return to the "tipping point", the moment when she decided to marry her scientist husband, and undo it. She does so; but fortunately manages to return to her timeline, read her late husband's diaries, and manage to fix reality and somehow permanently damage "the enemy"'s positions before fading out of existence (that she doesn't end up doing, considering she wins). The ending features an obvious sequel set-up. Honestly, I'd probably watch the sequel. If I'm really bored and have nothing to do.Also, the description on Amazon Prime, as well as the poster they had there, made it sound like this'd be a lot more interesting than it actually was. **TL;DR:** Almost nothing happens for the whole film. Wooden acting. Looks like a soap opera. Some good bits. Not terrible, but far from good. Setting up for a sequel.


An FBI agent with time-bending powers must fight sinister forces from the future to save her loved ones from being erased from existence.. A super hit with 95ers: Time Runners OMG LOVED IT!! As a woman born long before cells etc, our generation was able to think up all sorts of new technologies to bring art to a whole new level and all because of the great and epic sifi standards like this movie. A 10 outta 10 and had to sign in just to review. Without putting up any spoilers the actors were believable, and the story was an excellent idea and not the cookie cutter "let's make a movie just because we can". Directed by Thomas Gomez Durham. Tom just a average family guy really impressed me with his writing skills. He then took 8 years to finish this project but with the help of Kickstarter, and mass appeal supported funding along his skills in production he created a master piece. Watch out Hollywood! Script was wonderful. I look forward to more Movies to follow up on this, and maybe a series would be great guys! I cant wait for a sequel. Brovo!

Kaylie Morgan

This is a fast-moving complex sci-fi thriller. Not a new concept, but one of the best time-travel films I've seen in a long time. 90 minutes seemed like 10 - spooky. The quality for an indie film was excellent and the special effects were very tasteful with some good CGI. The original soundtrack complimented the film perfectly. I would like to see a sequel, or even better a TV series, the characters are very watchable and the story could be explored further. I particularly like the character 'Brego' and how he linked the mystery together. I watched this at an indie film night and it was very well received, If you like sci-fi give it a watch, you will not be disappointed.


95ers: ECHOES has been referred to as being "as indie as indie gets." However, my impression is that this film is "big-time" good.Being a huge fan of the Time Travel film genre I must say that 95ers:Echoes has earned its way into my top five all-time favorite sci-fi movies. This film has it all and delivers it in a well paced, believable tale of romance, suspense and intrigue that left this viewer with the sense that he had just experienced indie cinematic greatness of epic proportions. Alesandra Durham gives a brilliant performance supported by a cast of characters that can hold their collective heads up high with pride in the knowledge of a job well done. Thank you Tom Durham for your hard work, sacrifice and vision.
