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Taped (2012)

February. 23,2012
| Drama Thriller Mystery

Johan and Saar make a final attempt to save their marriage by going on vacation to Buenos Aires. In keeping a promise to their daughter they will make a video of their activities there. When they accidentally witness (and videotape) a brutal murder they will have to run to stay alive.


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The Couchpotatoes

I don't know why we have to have so much movies filmed with handycams nowadays but I find it rather annoying. Most of the time it kills the story completely to me. With this one the story stays intact but I still think it would have been much better without the filming with a handycam. But as the storyline concerns it is a good movie. Everybody knows that in South American countries it can be very dangerous as tourists and even the police is not to be trusted. And this is what the movie is about. Very nice played by Barry Atsma and Susan Visser. Fast action thriller that gets you as soon as the actual action starts. I wasn't bored for a second. I just wished they would have filmed it with a normal steady camera though.


Fortunately the movie is not a found footage movie. DV cam footage shot by our main protagonists is playing a big part of the movie, but it is still a proper movie/thriller. Add it to the "situations you don't want to find yourself in". Still and while you might occasionally shake your head at the characters decisions, this is pretty solid thriller material to watch.The actors are doing a decent enough job to keep you nervous and anxious throughout. Some might have issues with the "action" scenes and the camera shots involving them, but that's just a style option. While the end might seem a bit ... strange and sort of sudden and kind of "duh", you will be entertained until then.


As usual, I was watching this movie at night in bed, waiting to fall asleep. Bad move. Not that there were any scary/horror parts, I simply got caught up in the story so much, I was too pumped-up to sleep.The entire story encompasses two Dutch tourists in Argentinia. Some parts of the movie are shot with their hand-held cam; the remaining scenes - amongst other things, by necessity - are shot from 'normal' movie cameras; for instance when they get arrested and questioned. It works together nicely.We start out on a regular vacation, with a couple arguing about their personal life. It may drag on a bit and feels a bit like a filler, but because of this we get a 'personal connection' with the main protagonists, which we wouldn't have had if the movie started out with the real plot immediately.This 'personal connection', together with the realism created by taping part of the movie with a hand-held, gets even more real with a plot that I could see happening in real life, which is: they accidentally tape a dirty cop committing a murder, and get chased by him and his partners.You can really feel the pressure and the feeling of helplessness - foreign speaking tourists being chased and having nowhere to turn to, be it cops, airports or hospitals - throughout the movie.My only issue is the out-of-place and pointless rehashing of some personal issues near the end - if it was to underline the psychological distress, it was redundant - and the nice but 'deus ex machina' ending where some technology is conveniently accessible and compatible. I can't tell any more in order not to spoil the ending, but you'll understand what I mean after the movie.In all, a recommended reality thriller.

Marcellino Bommezijn

I see some are not too enthusiastic about the first 20 minutes, but if it wasn't for this first 20 minutes the movie wouldn't be as good as it was. Very good acting in the beginning part which ties you emotionally to both characters and pulls you right into the tension. Realistic adventure and no Hollywood stuff, so could happen to you as well. Love the scenic of 'downtown' Buenos Aires that was used. The scenery of the quite streets at night with the lamp poles makes it feel very far from home, at least when you watch it as a dutch viewer. This gives you really the idea that you could see yourself in this situation. Also love the fact that it only both of them that make-up the movie, all other characters are secondary. Usually seen in better small productions. Compliments and thanks for making this movie! Really enjoyed it!
