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Behind Enemy Lines

Behind Enemy Lines (1997)

May. 23,1997
| Action War

An ex-marine returns to Vietnam when he learns his former mercenary partner whom he thought was killed is being held by a sadistic general.


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is the character of Mike Weston in this movie in any way related to the Michael Weston of TV's show Burn Notice? i notice the spelling is different. and i don't know much about burn notice. but isn't the character supposed to be an ex spy/soldier/killer? could this be the early life of the character? just curious. my friend adopted a kitten and named him Michael Westen for his favorite character on TV. i'd like to let him know. i think he would get a kick out of this. so please do some digging and let me know.thanks


Bad acting, useless dialogue, formulaic script and implausible action sequences. If you enjoyed Rambo II, this is the movie for you. The ONLY redeeming quality is that it gave work to Filipino actors (playing Vietnamese...not very convincingly). It's unfortunate how so many Americans are still so totally hung up on the fact that they lost the Vietnam war that they need to keep creating this kind of crap just so that they can feel better through some pitiful consolation of watching scores of Vietnamese soldiers getting shot, beaten and "vanquished" by a couple of Americans. Which is why even the action sequences were bad. This film is really a low point.


I mean seriously. This is supposed to be an army, but not a single soldier can shoot. I have never seen more inaccurate shooting in my life. At the end, I was rooting for the bad guys, just so that they could get one shot on target. Just one... Just one... Even a lost bullet or a ricochetOtherwise, it was a totally predictable movie, with the expected "plot twists" and a familiar happy ending. However, it could be good for some absolutely mindless entertainment. Movies like this and Deadly Prey are always fun to watch, because they are just that - pure minldless fun. Just browse the internet or something while watching it, because the entertainment value is definitely not constant. I could only take so many inaccurate shots fired by the bad guys.

Scott Chiasson

My friends, this is an incredibly insipid movie. How many Vietnam-era flicks are gonna be produced before someone eventually decides "enough is enough"? Ignoring such films as "Platoon" or "Apocalypse Now" or "The Deer Hunter" (truly splendid examples of cinema within the genre) and also ignoring the first "Rambo" film (a movie I embarrasingly admit to having enjoyed), I have this suspicion that some shady, weasel-like producer in sunny So. California thought to himself "Hey! I know how to make a quick buck! I'll screw a few investors outta a couple hundred grand and I'll make a, uhh... yeah! I'll make a 'Nam flick!"Phuuleeze! Give it a rest, willya? The only people who would possibly find this movie worth watching are pre-pubescent little boys living in Idaho.
