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In the Beginning There Was Light

In the Beginning There Was Light (2010)

September. 17,2010
| Documentary

This documentary investigates the mysterious phenomenon of "Breatharianism".


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The excellent documentary made! There are thousands of people in the world, following NIRAHARIES!Live without food. Just visit www.bfoodfree.org At least once, everyone should try to live without food for 21 days and see the changes in the life. It is calling NIRAHARA SAMYAMA. Its 100% free. There is no any charges to participant. I have done four times so far. Thanks and best regards,

Wendy Sue Noah

The Light documentary is one of my all-time favorites, as it provides certified reports of personal experiences, interviews and scientifically documented laboratory experiments as evidence that there are people living today who do not need food either to live or to sustain their metabolism! They live on "light" alone, a phenomenon called "breatharianism".What is so incredible is that the director P.A. Straubinger travels all over the world and meets all kinds of people who are living as a "breatharian". This film does not try to push an agenda, in fact, it provides a neutral platform with interviews from both the protagonists and the antagonists. Bottom line is, if this state does in fact exist, then maybe we need to start questioning what science declares as the truth and the whole truth. Maybe we can open our minds more in order to begin to understand what our true abilities are as conscious beings...

Erika Vollenweider

After watching the film I still do not know whether there are really people who are able to live without food and fluids over long periods of time. Nevertheless it leaves the possibilities open and the underlying research seems to be done very well - If you will look deeper into the topic and not only at wikipedia etc. The film does not give definitive answers but shows highly interesting research and raises a lot of questions. Actually I think "In the beginning there was light" deals only on the surface with the phenomenon of breatharianism. It really questions the prevailing materialistic philosophy in our western culture and opens up new perspectives. In my opinion one of the most thought-provoking and inspiring films ever made...


The movie does start out critically. They cite studies and interview the participants. The fact that some of those studies weren't published and/or taken seriously makes them conclude: conspiracy! From there on the documentary takes a turn right into complete insanity: Prana, Chakras, Quantum-Healing and similar ideas are all of a sudden accepted as working practices without further investigation. If this movie were a joke it would be funny, but for something that calls itself a documentary it is simply an affront.p.s. stating light nourishment would work when we have around one billion starving people on the planet is a bit twisted, so maybe i'm getting it all wrong and it is a masterpiece of black humor.
