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Dick Tracy Returns

Dick Tracy Returns (1938)

August. 19,1938
| Action Crime

Dick Tracy battles spies and saboteurs in his efforts to bring to justice the Stark gang, a criminal family led by the vicious Pa Stark.


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Steve Rigby

Unlike the other three reviewers of this serial, I was quite disappointed.But let me start with a good point. At least the writers came up with a plausible set of characters for the bad guys. The Stark Gang is a noticeable improvement over the Spider (with his tattoo-flashlight signature on the forehead of his victims) and the Lame One (with his three-inch sole added to his shoe and stuttering step) of the original Tracy serial. But there the writers lost their sense of originality and commitment to a believable story. All they did was come up with ten or so special new inventions (super fast boat, special airplane engine, have the Stark gang mysteriously find out about it, have them contact the agent for a 'foreign power' (I guess in '38 you couldn't yet say Germany or Japan - FDR was still keeping the US neutral then, only to have Tracy and his men foil their plans. Then, on to the next episode with a 'insert here' new super special device. One decent story arc throughout the entire 15 chapter - like the Arc Indiana Jones goes after in Raiders (which Lucas and Spielberg supposedly fashioned after these serials) would have been much, much more engaging. The cliffhanging ends of the episodes were also very hackneyed. In virtually all cases, you could predict how Tracy once again cheated death. Car over the cliff? Simple: insert a shot of him jumping out just before it goes over. (And don't worry that he is seemingly unhurt even though the car was going 40+mph). But what REALLY irked me for this one was that unlike most 15 chapter serials that include one 'clip show' episode that reprises events from prior chapters (thus only giving more work to the editor, and sparing all the rest of the crew - hence, saving money), this serial had TWO such episodes. Way to bail on even a modicum of believable credibility, writers! Overall, 5/10


This second entry of the Tracy serials is finally on DVD courtesy of VCI entertainment. Having viewed the first five chapters,it appears that its an improvement over the tape.Sound is Dolby Digital , sharp and crisp.Picture quality varies from chapter to chapter,but is very good overall.If the remaining chapters are the same,it would appear that VCI has done a commendable job restoring this serial,one of the best of the Tracy serials. For the time it was made, this is hard edge story telling. Charles Middleton plays Pa Stark,leader of the notorious Stark gang. He and his sons rob payrolls,deal in hot cars,and cause havoc until Tracy and his G Men get on their trail. In the opening chapter a rookie G man played by stunt ace David Sharpe is shot from behind by one of the Starks during a robbery. He survives and is placed in an iron lung. Fearing that he will identify the shooter,Pa without any remorse,unplugs the iron lung,killing the agent.This is gritty stuff for a serial in 1938! The cast is headed by Ralph Byrd who is perfect in the title roll. Mike McGurk,Junior,Steve Lockwood and Gwen return from the first entry,all played by different actors.The supporting cast,headed by Middleton are all excellent. There is extensive location shooting,chapter endings and resolutions are exciting and for the most part believable. The one downside is the music ,which from time to time, does not fit the action. Over all this long serial ,254 minutes, is fast paced and under the direction of the masters of serial making, William Witney and John English, offers fifteen chapters of non stop action. A must see for anyone who wants to see one of the best of the serial genres .


In this sequel to the 1937 serial ( and a heck of a lot better ), Tracy is on the trail of Pa Stark ( Charles Middleton gives a great performance ) and his five sons. After killing a rookie G-Man, Tracy goes after the youngest son ( aptly named the Kid ) and through out the serials he battles the enemy agents and saboteurs Stark is mixed up with to bring the master criminal to justice. Very action packed, but it does contain some corny scenes, but anything was better than the previous entry. In terms of serials, 8 out of 10.


There are good serials and there are mostly bad ones. The bad ones are cheaply made and very boring and use lots of "stock footage". This is the exception. The storyline is very original and is full of action. There are also lots of location scenes and the special effects were used here for the first time and not made for some other serial and reused here. I can see why serials were discontinued around the early fifties. TV came along and by then the serials were nothing like this one. It would be nice to get a nice print on a DVD of this one. My only problem and the reason I would give this a 9 instead of a 10 is the background music. For most of the scenes it is great but when they start fighting it goes to some speeded up uncomprehensible music that should only be used in a cheap western, otherwise it is terrific.
