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The Dragon and the Tiger Kids

The Dragon and the Tiger Kids (1979)

July. 05,1979
| Action

Two young kung fu experts are terrorized by an evil warlord whose weapon is known as the Hell's Wind Staff. With the aid of an old rival of the warlord, they train in the Dragon Hands and the Rowing Oar to face off against the deadly Hell's Wind Staff.


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Despite the outlandish title, HELL'Z WINDSTAFF is very much a typical DRUNKEN MASTER clone and even features Hwang Jang Lee duelling out in his stock 'master villain' type role. It's a star vehicle for the gently unassuming Hoi Mang, one of those actors who looks anything but a hero but whose endearing character and solid acting gradually wins you over; perhaps that's why he's so effective.The plot really is nothing special here and involves plenty of knockabout comedy and the expected training sequences. Shaw Brothers performer Jason Pai Piao plays in support and various characters show up to betray and fight each other while Hwang Jang Lee lurks in the background looking menacing. Once all the master/teacher stuff is dispensed with, the film climaxes with an incredible, eye-popping, three on one fight climax in the woods which is masterful stuff and features an unexpectedly vicious end for Hwang Jang himself. The Korean bootmaster doesn't get to do much of his famed kicking here but as always he's the best thing about the production.


I don't know why this movie has such a low score, it's got good fighting scenes. Superkicker Hwang Jang Lee delivers great kicks and we get to see him use the bo (stick). The kung fu twins display great acrobatics. The movie also has humor, but it's not too corny. Just like drunken master, this movie features aaaaa looooot of fighting scenes and training sequences. Almost every scene acts as a setup to a fight or training scene (meaning that the talking in the movie is kept to a minimum). Just as any excellent kung fu movie should be.


I have just finished Hell'z Windstaff and I am just blown away. I have wanted to see this film since I became a big fan of Hwang Jang Lee and I am not disappointed.This film has a lot to offer. If you like your kung fu movie with a lot of Szechuan spice then this one is for you. It's quite violent in places but it is tempered with a lot of humour.I do not believe in telling the whole story here but as you can probably guess it is a film about good triumphing over evil. But in order to do so, most of the cast is bumped off by sticks. And the evil is delightfully provided by Master Hwang. He is just so devastating but, oh wait, every so often I saw someone doing his stunts for him. The stunts were mainly of a spinning acrobatic nature. Rest assured all those kicks and manoevers with the Devil Sticks are all his own doing.And just to tease you all, you simply have to see the end of this film. One of the two pesky boys does a little piece de resistance; something out of the ordinary with Master Hwang before finally doing him in. I nearly did my own backward somersault flip when I saw it.


I had read two reviews on this film before I saw it: one review highly recommended it and another criticized the lack of kicking from Hwang Jang Lee, the Korean super-kicker. I found myself agreeing with the former. I thought it was a really good martial arts film in the Drunken Master vein. The acrobatics performed by the leads are excellent. The choreography is very complex, but never too slow. Hwang gets to show off his excellent legwork, more so than I was led to believe. He does some great kicks in the long finale. There were some violent moments that I didn't care for. Overall, a fine kung fu movie.
