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More Than a Thousand Cameras Are Working for Your Safety

More Than a Thousand Cameras Are Working for Your Safety (2003)

January. 03,2003
| Adventure Drama Horror Thriller


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I bought this film for 3€ at Woolworth's, and after checking the comments here, which all sounded quite negative, I wasn't hurried to watch it.. until today. And given all the plot holes and silly effects, I must say I had an interesting, and not all-bad experience.Let me explain. My Spanish hearing ability is close to not much, but I bought this partly because it had Spanish soundtrack, and as a linguist I'm always happy to get a lesson. Coordinating the spoken Spanish with the German subtitles keeps me busy, even if nothing much happens. But it did.Maybe too much, maybe an avalanche of horrific moments (at the zoo.. in the subway.. in the mannequin disco, etc.) was somewhat over the top. Maybe too many locked-door experiences, from university lab to restaurant to subway station (again)..That's another point. I love train movies, and by extension subway movies, and this one provided quite much of it. Not only the train on the track, but the whole claustrophobia of subterranean walkways.. Money Train (NY), Tube (Seoul), Kontroll (Budapest), and now this entry for Madrid. Of course mostly CGI, but quite well done. In fact, the little girl with a forklift problem reminded me nicely of both Kontroll and Staplerfahrer Klaus.Plagiarisms? Quotes? Allusions? I can't say. But all in all, I liked this film - not for perfect quality, but for provoking many thoughts (and mostly not bad ones).


As the comments said before ... this movie was boring. I've bought the DVD on the flea-market for 1,50€ and I thought, what can I do wrong? Well, I was proved, that I could have spent the money on something else. The only good part of the movie was when they opened the masks in that fancy house where there was a party. Okay, there's a party ... but from one scene to the other - where the heck are the guests??? Same with the restaurant and the subway-station. ... Talking of subways, when Susana is on that motorcycle and her hands are being taped on it, Toni and Alex are trying to rescue her, 'cause a train is slowly coming closer. Here's the weird part. When they went into the tunnel, it was approximately 100m away from the end of the platform. But when the train chases the motorcycles, it seems like the platform is kilometers away. After watching it, I really regretted it. The idea of the movie was good though, but the result as a whole wasn't good at all.


Two university students want to go to party, but one of them has an assessment due in the next day so the pair head to the library to copy and paste an essay from the Internet and presto the job is done. But while on the computer they accidentally stumble across a chat room and meet a person that calls himself or herself Kellar. This user asks them if they would like to be part of a game, without knowing what they are getting themselves into they accepts the challenge. From now on a group of university students become trapped in what they first consider a game, run by an unseen force. But soon the game turns their world upside down by turning into a frenetic nightmare and murder becomes part of it all.Hell! What a confusing mess. Is this flick suppose to be high-tech paranoia thriller that's doing a social commentary on the use of technology and how it can become an intrusion in our lives? If so the material doesn't provide any insight, actually it seems there to cover its shortage of new ideas, by ripping off every other horror/thriller films in the last couple of years. It lacks any sense of creativity and it tries to be remotely clever in its premise that is plain laughable. The surprises are predictable because we've seen them all before. I don't want to name the films it borrows from, as it would spoil the story, but you'll definitely know when you see it. It throws in one or two jump scares, actually there was a real lack of anything that resembled scares and suspense. It might not be highly original, but that was its least of its problem. That goes to how tediously boring it was! The excitement levels fly like a bullet… NOT! Because most the time your waiting for interesting things to happen, sure there's a lot of chasing about and bizarre tricks. But you'll be yelling, "Come on, just get on with it!" because it all leads to nothing and just what the heck was going on!? When it comes to its conclusion you want to know how does that all work? Because its just highly ridiculous compared with what first started off. Nothing is explained and was there a hint of the supernatural? It's a frustrating maze of confusion with too many things that don't add up and make you go "huh?" The ponderously shallow and I wouldn't have clue what your on about script doesn't help either and the performances are so mundane that the extras added more to the flick than their blank expressions could.The garnished production looks top shape, um but that's it! It tries to be disturbing in its context and violence, but it fails miserably. The editing was rather disconnected and the special effects lacked simplicity and noisy sound effects were atrocious. I'll be damn the story is bubbling with a lot imagination, ah no that's mind-numbing clichés, you get stupid actions taken by teens, people being stalk by a menacing shadow, people going off alone and *yawn*. So the point was? To scare us, failed. To give us a satire, failed. So what does it equal? It's nothing surprising with too much riff raff and absurdity that you leaves you going *hmm* what a waste of time.It's a film that wants to be something that it just doesn't eventuate into. Physcological gripping… no way, a demanding mystery… you got to be kidding. Sigh, honestly who cares? When watching static on your TV is more entertaining, that's far from a good thing. P.S Maybe I'm being too hard on it, but it just really rubbed me up the wrong way.


Version: Spanish audio, English subtitles (by SBS)I don't watch the World Movies channel very often, but when I do, it is usually to watch something awesome like 'Tears of the Black Tiger' or some live-action Asterix movie. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any other Spanish horror films I've seen, so I have to hope to hope that the rest aren't as mind-numbingly boring as 'Who's Watching?'.University students Toni (Antonio Hortelano) and Roberto (Lorenzo Armenteros) are on their way to party, but they are faced with the dilemma of having an essay due the next day. The solution? The internet! While trying to download an essay, they have a chat with someone called Keller. This Keller fellow seems slightly unstable, and informs Toni and Roberto that they are now playing Keller's game. From then on, things go bad: Toni, Roberto and a group of their friends are routinely kidnapped and enjoy near death experiences and it appears as though someone is watching them. That oughta show those no-good punks Toni and Roberto that plagiarism is wrong.'Who's Watching?' is a paranoia thriller at heart. That is made painfully obvious at the very start when we are told that thousands of camera are watching us every day, monitoring our safety. I think I lost all interest in the film right then. I don't know what is about paranoia thrillers, but I generally can't get into them. If the film worked as a horror movie, it would probably have been more interesting. Problem is, it doesn't work at all.The script is terrible. It plods along, and frequently fails to make any sense. I generally reserve judgments about acting when a language barrier is involved, but none of the actors in this seem all that convincing. They really belong in a slasher instead of trying to tackle some sort psychological horror. Probably due to the poor script and acting, there is no tension or atmosphere, and the story twists are predictable. It is much longer than it should be: long, drawn out, and boring. If it was shorter and condensed, it may have sustained more interest.'Who's Watching' is boring, and a poor horror film. I really can't think of anyone who might enjoy it - 1/10
