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Gringo Trails

Gringo Trails (2014)

January. 01,2014
| Adventure Drama Documentary

Are tourists destroying the planet-or saving it? How do travelers change the remote places they visit, and how are they changed? From the Bolivian jungle to the party beaches of Thailand, and from the deserts of Timbuktu, Mali to the breathtaking beauty of Bhutan, GRINGO TRAILS traces stories over 30 years to show the dramatic long-term impact of tourism on cultures, economies, and the environment.


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If you're looking for a detailed documentary Gringo Tails is the way to go. It makes a person think about a tourist and if they are good or bad. It makes a person create an opinion of good stories or bad ones. This documentary makes you feel like your part of someone's story by making you feel like your actually there. The movie length could have been a little shorter by eliminating the unnecessary interviews. Overall it was a good documentary not too long but not too short.


Gringo trails is definitely a good movie. It's very eye opening. It shows you how word of mouth can really make people want to go to a destination whether, it is popular or not. It gives you that knowledge and it shows how somewhere can become a popular tourist spot. I would definitely watch this movie if you want to learn about how a destination gets popular. If you are looking for a good educational movie about how a destination becomes popular this is your movie.


"Gringo Trails" directed by Pegi Wail is a documentary that raises awareness of the effects of non sustainable tourism on cultures and the environment. The film begins with the true story of Yossi Ghinsberg, an Israeli traveler being saved by Kevin Gates after being stranded in a Bolivian jungle for a month. This documentary does a fantastic job of telling stories about different locations that have been negatively impacted by reckless and inconsiderate tourists. The camera angles and images used truly show the beauty of the places talked about in the film making it difficult for the audience to disconnect while viewing Gringo Trails. I was in shock seeing true stories of how big of an impact tourism has on the environment and different cultures. The film kept me engaged the whole time and made me want to make a difference in the tourism industry.

Alexis Washington

Capturing the essence and dangers of the Bolivian amazon jungle, Pegi Vail's documentary Gringo Trails showcases one man's will to survive in the jungle. Documenting the search for backpacker Yossi Ghinsberg who was swept away by the river and found twenty-five days later looking like he had came from a concentration camp. Compelled by his experience, Yossi wrote a book about what he went through while stranded in the middle of the jungle. By selling his story,Yossi's was able to help boost backpacking tourism for a developing country. This film shows how tourism can be detrimental to a country's natural environment. A lesson learned from watching the film is that tourist need to be mindful that they are a guest in someone else's country and respect certain implications put in place to preserve the environment. Also we see how backpackers prefer to be indulged in their environment rather than staying in a hotel because it creates a more memorable experience for them. Through the different interviews and views of tourism documented in the film, we can learn how tourism can boost an economy but also be detrimental to the environment.
