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The Thousand Plane Raid

The Thousand Plane Raid (1969)

July. 15,1969
| Adventure War

In 1943, Colonel Greg Brandon, stationed at an United States Army Air Forces 8th Air Force, 103rd Bomb Group base in England, repeatedly attempts to persuade superiors that massive daylight bombing will hasten the end of World War II. In spite of the mission's extreme difficulty, his plan is finally put into effect against a German aircraft factory. During preparation for the raid, Brandon alienates his men by insisting that normal bombing operations continue. His disdain for cautious Lieutenant Archer and brash RAF Wing Commander Trafton Howard further antagonizes his associates, including his girl friend, WAC Lieutenant Gabrielle Ames. When his bomber crashes the morning of the mission, Brandon boards a bomber manned by Archer and Howard. During the effective air raid, he is impressed by Archer's courage and Howard's judgment.


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This is very much like "The War Lover" with Steve McQueen 10 years earlier in black-and-white, it is basically the same story, but that film was humanly so much more interesting. This is in colour, and although Christopher George is very much like Steve McQueen, almost like a twin character, he is grimmer, harder and more superficial - the McQueen character has an abyss of depth in its psychopathic possibilities, while Christopher George is only doing his job. Both died too young, by the way, Steve McQueen at 50 and Christopher George at 54.What saves the film are the other characters, first of all Gary Marshal, who adds a very needful sense of humour and detachment to the grim show, while colonel Brandon (George) has no humour at all and never smiles. The case of the grounded pilot Palmer (J.D.Cannon) also adds some interest to the epic, while on the whole, like as if it was made for television, this is clearly less realistic than the McQueen feature, which offers so much more human insight into the lives of the bomber pilots in this dreadful war. Here it more amounts to aerobatics and showing off. McQueen makes that showing off pathological, while here it is superficial.Nevertheless, it's an interesting film, better than its reputation, awfully exciting and with splendid scenery of war pilot flights in the air and in action. The only disturbing thing was Laraine Stephens' hair style, a cold blonde with too much make-up for that war and a coiffure belonging entirely to the 60s.


"Mosquito Squadron" director Boris Sagal and scenarist Donald S. Sanford reteamed for this lackluster World War II aerial thriller about the historic 1000 plane raid over Nazi-occupied Germany. Anybody who remembers how much fuss the British raised over "U-571" because the Americans took credit for capturing a piece of Nazi technology can only imagine how much umbrage the Brits should have taken over this movie. "Rat Patrol" star Christopher George plays a tough-as-nails U.S.AF.F. colonel who champions a 1000 plane raid despite all the problems such a massive air strike would entail. Actually, the Royal Air Force launched this raid first. Indeed, Sagal and Sanford drew their story from a fantastic history book by author Ralph Barker that was called "The Thousand Plane Raid." Aside from a number of American televisions headed up by George and J.D. Cannon, this air force mission movie is too lightweight to be memorable. The story is told from the perspective of Christopher George's commander and a British RAF officer who has been reassigned to George to give the Yanks a heads-up on fighting Germany fighter pilots.


World War Two had many facets which claim to have been the pivotal point of the conflict. Regardless, it took the whole industry of several countries to group themselves into the Allied cause, which eventually destroyed the Nazi dream of world dominance. This is one of the key elements which was essential towards that goal. The film is called " The Thousand Plane Raid " which was directed by Boris Sagal and penned by novelist Ralph Barker. It purports to tell the story of Col. Greg Brandon (Christopher George) who proposed to group together a thousand allied B-17 Bombers to destroy a specific target producing German fighter planes. He finds that he is troubled by both the British high command as well as his own men. In addition, those closest to him realize that he is obsessed with his idea and is losing touch with everyone. A good movie, though a bit melodramatic. Nevertheless, a solid action oriented story. A fine cast which includes J.D. Cannon, Gary Marshal, Michael Evans, Gavin MacLeod and Bo Hopkins as Capt. Douglass. Recommended to War buffs. ****


A fairly average B-grade movie that is pulled up by a sequence of low flying that is used on more than one occasion throughout the movie for different story line progressions. To see a B-25 coming over the trees and then missing the ground with the right wing by only a few feet is amazing to say the least. Most of the footage in the battle scenes is from war footage and low budget (nowadays) SFX but given the age and being made about the same time as "the Battle Of Britain" it puts up a reasonable performance. Aircraft buffs will like the flying sequences as they always will and for an afternoon diversion it is not too bad. Look out for the maintenance crew chief, Sgt Kreuger a few years before commanding his well known ship the Love Boat.
