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Neverland (2003)

January. 01,2003
| Adventure Fantasy Drama

Damion Dietz's NEVERLAND is a dark, modernized, and highly original retelling of the childhood classic PETER PAN. In this version, Peter (Rick Sparks) is a juvenile delinquent, Tinkerbell (Kari... Damion Dietz's NEVERLAND is a dark, modernized, and highly original retelling of the childhood classic PETER PAN. Peter takes Wendy to Neverland — a burnt-out suburban amusement park populated by drag queens, drug addicts, prostitutes and such — the ultimate fantasy-adventure becomes a fascinating nightmare in this bold retelling of the Peter Pan story.


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This movie is so REAL, and so ACCURATE. I met a situation in life that parallels it EXACTLY. If the writers only knew it's as if spirits take over their bodies and make them duplicate, right down to the dude who is Peter who smokes Clove cigarettes and dropped out of everything and worked for the Carnival before he went to jail and I even know Hook and all about his secret life, Hook (came from a divorce, the dad died, he was adopted by a wealthy man) is so pompous because he likes to play rich and lost a lot being wrong, and he works hard at good things and gets nowhere because he's bad in some areas, and doesn't know it, and Peter... he only likes weird chicks, and drugs and there's a few more women than tinkerbelle but this is only a movie! And well it's more than that, it's one hell of a [email protected]


As many others have commented,this movie lacks as much as it has to offer. The cinematography is poor and the editing is worse. Long transitional scenes seem to have been added just get get characters from one place to another while padding the screen time.Many have mentioned that t he acting was poor, but Wil Wheaton is a fairly good actor and he simply doesn't shine, here. So I think I would blame it on the direction. The story is the strongest reason to see this. It holds pretty close to the original Peter Pan, up to a point. It has a certain "What if Peter Pan Took Place in the Real World" point of view but still seems so bizarre, since the lost boys act so immature even though they've grown up physically. These guys are in their 20's and still act like little boys (Can Wendy be our mother?. And most of them look a bit too much like male models, which I found distracting. However, the bizzarreness is what attracted me to this film. That and the fact that I got to see Wil Wheaton acting out a role far from Wesley Crusher or the mentally ill homeless guy on CSI. This one's wort a look-see.. if you appreciate low-budget, badly acted, badly photographed movies with a twist.


This movie is by far the best version of Peter Pan that has ever been made. The story has been told over and over again but never with this originality or style. It seems that most people love it or hate it and I think that the people who hate it don't understand why the dialogue and the performances are the way they are. This movie was sick. The fact that Tinkerbell is a Gwen Stefani/hoochie fairy dust "dealer" is genius and the Tiger Lily song is unbelievable. I was on the floor amazed by this movie. I rented this movie to watch with my girlfriend and her little brother, but we had to send the little brother into his room to play with his Playstation. My girlfriend and I still quote this movie.


I agree with the other commentary on this movie. This movie is interesting in that it takes an otherwise "children's story" and sets in a hyper-reality, very much adult, setting. This allows the more adult aspects of the story to be explored. Adult issues such as drug abuse, sexual "norm" deviance, and avoidance of responsibility take center stage in this update. While a grand experiment, this movie ultimately failed for me on several levels:The cast of characters is far too large to allow for meaningful character development for ANY of the characters. The most prominent victims of this flaw are the lost boys. There are too many of them, and as such their decision to follow Wendy and leave Neverland seems more of a plot device than a real decision on their part, as is Peter's ultimate decision to return to Neverland alone.The Darling kids' decision to leave their home in the first place home was another problematic issue for me. Sure, they try to explain it during Wendy's "story" to the Lost Boys in Tiger Lily's dressing room, but as is the case with literary writing, showing is always better than telling. And the short sequence with the parents in the beginning is not enough to show me the kids' rationale. Wendy telling it to me just didn't cut it.And then there's the acting. Oh, the acting. "Bad acting" is being kind. It's a shame that an experiment of this caliber couldn't gain major funding and established actors, because the premise is fabulous. I find it very interesting that through most of the movie, the acting is horrendous from each member of the cast; however, the actors playing Wendy and Peter show their real chops during the last scene they play together. They both moved me incredibly during this final scene, and the fact that they were able to do so clearly demonstrates to me that the problem (at least for these two) was not the acting, it was the writing and direction. Both actors seem promising during this final scene, languishing in otherwise poor material. This movie felt like the writer began with the final scene and worked backward.Overall, I love the premise. I related to Wendy's concern for the drug-addled man-boy refusing to grow up because, yeah, I've dated him, and she completely conveyed the frustration in trying to break through the haze and reach him intellectually. The DVD is watchable, although grainy in parts and particularly blurred during the pirate dungeon scene. Watchable once.
