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Life and a Day

Life and a Day (2016)

March. 16,2016
| Drama Thriller

Somaieh, the youngest daughter of an indigent family, is getting married and fear is overwhelming each and every member of the family regarding how to overcome their difficulties after she's gone.


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We did not experience. We only appeared as a viewer. It was not necessary to be same like that because it was perceptible and tangible for almost every kind of audience. It's as if somewhere near us is happening or has already happened. We laughed, we cried and judged, as a viewer. Anger effect was certain. When the film came to an end, need for free space and review step by step of the movie, complete a significant movie effect. As for the characters in the story, it's enough that the audience finally concludes that, despite the apparent faults of the characters, no one is to blame and all the faults should be left to fate. All characters are a function of the conditions. But I think that, beyond these reactions, the demand for the film was something else. The film asked us to make an identification instead of judging. Asked us to understand what the dangers of the crowded family are struggling with poverty. The film asked us to hear the words of Mohsen (Navid Mohammadzadeh), despite the fact that audience translated he is an abnormal obscurity brutish in the first place. But Pain of not understand. A misunderstanding of past generations that portrays itself in the form of a crowded family, to show abnormalities that the family faces today, and to portray itself as a extremist, conservative, and fearless personality. Laughter sequences from the bottom and crying from the bottom in the cinema had a confusing atmosphere that showed real effect. The film's cinematic experience was specific to one of the spectators in the last quarter continued with a cigarette. Others were melting in a way that someone did not attention to an angry viewer and his cigarette's bad smell. at the end: Our cinema really needs such as this films. Films that really push audiences dumb or into a deep inside challanging and push into judging and not doing space.


The acting is just fabulous - I especially loved Payman Moadi, Navid Mohammadzadeh, and Parinaz Izadyar. But I have to say the story was a little too dark for my taste! Towards the end of the movie, I just wanted to bang my head into the wall! And that's why I give it 8 stars. But all in all, wow, just wow!


It doesn't matter how much you enjoy Iranian films: with life& 1 day, you're better off saving your money, your ears, and time. Numerous shouting dialogues don't make a movie. The director did not develop the central theme, instead, he obsessively throws in dramas: injured cats, mother's constipation, backed-up toilet, teenage rebellion, women's issues, dependency, drug addition, police brutality, poverty, and 10's more topics. The only think he did not include was the kitchen sink, partly because it did not cross his mind !


Life + 1 Day is the directorial debut for young screenwriter and director Saeed Roostaei, whose film is well-written and well-crafted with stellar performances from most of the cast. The plot (if you could call it that) is about the youngest girl in a poverty-stricken family in Tehran who's contemplating whether she should leave her family to marry a rich Afghan or to stay with them and continue her mostly-futile attempts to mend her broken family. Her older brother, Morteza, who's a recovering addict urges her to leave, while her younger brother, Mohsen, who's still a user, implores her to stay and not give up on her family.In my opinion, the film certainly has its moments. In one scene, the two brothers argue over whether Morteza has received money from the Afghan suitor and is supporting the marriage for his own financial gain. The chemistry between Moaadi and Mohammadzadeh is unbelievable, and the dialog fuels the drama in a powerful way.My problem with Life + 1 Day is two-fold: first, it's structure: the film has divided its attention among all characters, and in doing so, it has spread itself too thin. We see a family of 8 and we are given a glimpse into the life and problems of each and every one. At the end of the day, the film is about all of the characters. I think to do justice to all of them, the film would have needed much more runtime.My second issue is with the rampant melodrama during the whole film. It's like listening to an opera with the soprano screaming her lungs out the entire piece. I'm not saying the scenarios are contrived or the sequences are not believable. My point is that for the drama to really kick in, you need to have the "downs" as well as the "ups". The characters of this story are constantly screaming, quibbling or shedding tears! There is a sequence, where the family celebrates their youngest brother's remarkable grades or a sequence where they take a family picture together. Sequences like these would've better established the "normal" pace of daily life and then, as a result, the more dramatic sequences would have hit the audiences (especially international ones who may be less familiar with the culture of Iranian families) even harder.Overall, I'm personally happy with the direction Iran's school of Realism in cinema has taken in recent years and look forward to Roostaei's future films. Afterall, he's only 26. I can't imagine what movies he'll be making by the time he's 40!
