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Sneeze Me Away

Sneeze Me Away (2010)

May. 22,2010
| Adventure Fantasy Animation Family

About a boy who finds a way to enter into a magical, fantastic world by sneezing with his eyes open. He must then enlist the aid of a strange ally in order to get home again.


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Ky Grobins. Is the best ACtor in the world. He has such strong acting career ahead of him. One day i hope i can meet him and get his autograph. But thats just a dream! He is so great. THe movie has a slack sort of plot however the animation and voices compliment this problem and just makes it great! I understand how hard this would have been because my dad is a film producer, maybe he could do a film with Ky and Ryan? Ky is such a cute and i will admire him forever for his brave work in this film. The actual nature of the film is great, the music is just so amusing and catching swell. Love From Sarah K from SYdeny Australia!


It's hard to rate a short animation film distributed through Vodo (that means free to share, free to donate). The animation is crude, but not bad. The voices are amateurish, but I didn't mind. The plot is fun enough to keep one interested for 10 minutes.You see, there is a magical world that you can get to if sneezing with your eyes open. This little boy accidentally gets there and has a short adventure featuring a land octopus and an carnivore.For me, watching things on Vodo that actually are innovative and nice gives me great hope for the future of this system, one in which distribution companies do not become more important that the people that actually create the art. So watch this, it won't take long, and if you like it donate a few bucks and promote this method of paying exactly for what you liked to the person who actually did the job.
