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Mickey's Polo Team

Mickey's Polo Team (1936)

January. 04,1936
| Animation Comedy

Mickey Mouse and his friends face off against a team of celebrities in a polo match.


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Now playing is a polo match between "Movie Stars" and "Mickey's Mousers." On the stars team is Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Harpo Marx and Charlie Chaplin. Playing for Mickey's team is Mickey, "The Goof," Big Bad Wolf and Donald Duck. Jack Holt is the referee.In the crowd are such luminaries as Porky Pig, W. C. Fields, Minnie Mouse, Eleanor Roosevelt, Shirley Temple and a bunch of other famous people. That is fun to look at, trying to spot as many people and caricatures as you know.The players are introduced. Those intros are funny. For instance, Harpo comes out on a ostrich, Chaplin uses a cane instead of a polo stick, etc.That's the good news. The bad news is that the rest of the cartoon, the last 65 percent, is not very funny. We see some Laurel & Hardy bits, some Harpo stuff and Donald Duck get pummeled by everyone. None of it is very funny.A good premise and a great start but overall, a disappointing animated short.

Shawn Watson

I've never seen humans drawn so ugly. Not so much the Polo players like Laurel and Hardy (I always like them) but more the spectators in the audience. I don't know who that huge-headed, bulbous-eyed guy was supposed to be but he freaked me out.Anyways, it's Disney stars vs Real Actors in this Polo match (A rather odd choice of sport. Was it popular in the '30s?) and nothing really funny happens. Sure there are a couple of clever moments but, like far too many Disney toons, it's all a set-up for everything to come crashing down.Vividly animated as it may be, it's still a bit too boring and doesn't hold up against Looney Tunes when it comes to hijinks.

Robert Reynolds

This is possibly the second-most caricature laden short (after Mother Goose Goes Hollywood) that Disney ever did and they aren't just playing polo, either. Half the fun is spotting familiar faces (cartoon characters and caricatures of celebrities), while the other half is watching the strangest polo match ever put on celluloid! Every time I've seen this one, I wonder what various celebrities thought of this one, if they saw it at all, particularly what Clark Gable may have thought! Very visual, with the gags principally being sight gags and the Disney principals taking a back seat to the caricatures. Well worth watching. Most recommended.


one of the better 1936 mickeys. mm hardly appears in it though, the main player is donald duck as he battles it out with harpo marx, and he swallows the ball and becomes a target for the rest of the players. The laurel and hardy characters are spot on and overall the animation is a treat. Available on dvd now along with all the mm 1935-1938 shorts.
