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Lucky Day Forever

Lucky Day Forever (2011)

May. 11,2011
| Animation Science Fiction

Prole 514 dreams about winning the Great Lottery. The lottery winner is transformed and allowed admission into the elite White society, where everyone is beautiful, young and happy and people spend their carefree lives solely on fun and partying. One day, 514's wish comes true... but was this what he really wanted?


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bob the moo

Prole-514 works in a cleaning job in an area of the city populated the "B's" – a perfect white race who have everything and live a life of happiness, beauty and freedom. There is no way into this society apart from being drawn in a lottery to join. While 514 longs for this life, and hates his current, a moment of connection is made with his current world, although the promise of so much better remains.Set in a dystopian future where the haves have it all, and the have- nots, well, don't, this is a story that is not unfamiliar in terms of the message it brings with it. In case the message is not clear enough either, the characters are divided by color with the poor black and the rich white; on top of this we have celebrity, sexually-heavy videos and adverts, and many other aspects which seems a bit like tick-boxes. In terms of where it goes as a plot, it does borrow heavily from many other sources, and at the same time feels like it is struggling to find its own voice. The animation is also very crude in its detail and in its meaning – everything is very black and white (literally) and it has an odd cartoon style look to much of it.All of this does rather limit it, but in a way this blunt tool has just about enough frustration and crude anger behind it, that it does make it watchable for this aspect of it. I do not pretend it is a good film speaking generally, or that it really brings much to the table, but there is something in the crudity of its anger that I found quite engaging for all its simplicity.


An rare and excellent short about modern day oppression, a polish animation that is unlike everything you seen polish animation rarely gets published outside the country which is a huge shame due to artistic values it offers, taking you on a journey to a world you won't find in US animation. There's not much to be said it has to be watched, just go on You tube and look for it, download it from the NET its LEGAL !! Because its the movie made outside the big studio's for us to watch. The story revolves around a subject close to us, how many of us wanted to belong to these snobby elite society, but is life there really as that happy, the rich consider the poor parasites, when its them who are parasiting on poor ? , a symbolic tale about capitalism and Hollywood, and the truth that the dream world is nothing more than illusion.We are the ones that are real and its better to remain as we are than to sell our dignity in the names of lies. If you liked this movie look for Blaze Master mysterium of the universe and Blaze master Eternal War , we welcome you on a journey beyound you're wildest dreams , and we can do it on a very low or even without any budget come seek out us and join the fun
