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The Invisible Mouse

The Invisible Mouse (1947)

September. 27,1947
| Animation Comedy

Tom chases Jerry into a bottle of invisible ink, and Jerry then proceeds to have fun torturing Tom.


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This 'Tom and Jerry' short opens like most of them do with Tom chasing Jerry. Tom seems to be getting the upper hand until Jerry falls into a bottle of Invisible ink. When he gets out he looks down and sees that he is invisible beneath the waist; he quickly dives back in and when he emerges we can't see him! As he runs off we can only tell where he is because of the effect he has on various objects. Tom is still trying to catch Jerry and is shocked when the cheese he is using to lure Jerry out disappears in front of his eyes. From now on Jerry has the upper hand as he beats, batters, electrocutes and sets fire to Tom! Even when Tom realises that Jerry is now invisible he can't defeat him despite some clever ideas.This is a good 'Tom and Jerry' short; the idea that invisible ink actually makes you invisible has been used in other cartoons but that doesn't make it any less funny. As is often the case Jerry's treatment of Tom is rather sadistic... especially when he slips a book of matches between Tom's tows and sets lights it. One always has to suspend ones disbelief when watching these cartoons but that is especially true here; not only do we have to accept that Jerry is invisible but we also have to believe he can lift fairly heavy objects! The way Jerry becomes visible again at the end was rather fun. Fans of the animated duo should enjoy this one.


After the usual chase scene, Jerry accidentally winds up inside a bottle of invisible ink, which was part of a chemistry set. He quickly discovers he's invisible...so the predictable results occur, meaning he uses his new hidden condition to torment Tom. Jerry often is just defending himself, but often he has sadistic streak in him that torments the cat whenever possible, even when unprovoked.Here, he makes Tom think his eyes are deceiving him when cheese from a mousetrap disappears before his eyes, or milk from a dish. Tom can't take anymore so he tries to sleep this nightmare off, but Jerry sets fire to his paw! Man, I hope little kids didn't ideas watching these cartoons back in the '40s and '50s! I always found Jerry, the little mouse, more evil than cute.Thankfully, in cartoons, generally, whatever damage a character suffers is gone within seconds and he's back to normal. The best part of this cartoon is about two-thirds of the way through when Tom figures out what the story is with Jerry, and tries different methods to detect where the mouse is located (such as putting flour on the floor to see his footprints).

Shawn Watson

The cat and mouse are involved in the usual chases when Jerry dives into a bottle of invisible ink and discovers that it makes him vanish. Instead of seizing the opportunity to go spy on a girl mouse changing room or something, he uses his new-found invisibility to torment Tom. And it's pretty funny and quite inventive despite being a somewhat one-joke cartoon. And the action never leaves the interior of the house, which is usually the trait of below average T&J shorts. Still worth a 7/10.However, I'm not sure how an invisible mouse can cast a shadow on the wall, it defies physics and the very nature of being invisible itself.


The basic joke here is simple. These characters -- all cartoon characters of the era -- are drawn on paper with ink. So using "invisible ink" will make a character invisible. I'm sure this isn't the first cartoon that implicitly plays with the notion that the characters are drawings on a page. (I'd like to know which was the first.) And this is a pretty subtle reference. But we get it without even thinking about it.Other than that, the chases and such are ordinary, most involving techniques Tom uses to make Jerry visible.Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
