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Poop Deck Pirate

Poop Deck Pirate (1961)

January. 09,1961
| Animation

Woody is trying to sleep in the middle of the big city but there is way too much racket going on. He decides to vacation at the peaceful Tooti Fruiti Islands but there is even noise going on here...coming from a pirate (a literal "Sea dog") trying to bury his treasure. Craving rest and relaxation, Woody is determined to send the nautical canine on his way, eventually blowing him up with a shore mine. The pirate doesn't appreciate this and forces Woody to walk the plank... but, being none too smart, the old tar often ends up many times in the drink himself and not the woodpecker.


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Was very fond of Woody Woodpecker and his cartoons as a child. Still get much enjoyment out of them now as a young adult, even if there are more interesting in personality cartoon characters and better overall cartoons.That is in no way knocking Woody, because many of his cartoons (primarily the earlier ones of the 40s to the early 50s, once Paul J. Smith took over in the late 50s onwards the cartoons became very hit and miss) are a lot of fun to watch and more and also still like him a lot as a character. He's fun and is a pest without being too obnoxious, and while he is not the insanely manic character of the 40s-early 50s efforts he is closer to that to the toned down subdued persona of most of the later cartoons.His pirate adversary is a more than worthy one, one of his better later ones in fact, having great comic timing and a formidable and rousing personality which helps make the conflict stronger than in most Woody Woodpecker cartoons from this period. The voice acting is good as always.Jack Hannah makes a more than welcome return after directing one of the better later cartoons in 'Southern Fried Hospitality', and his direction is almost certainly a large part of why 'Poop Deck Pirate' works as well as it does. He does such a great job with making the characters as strong as possible, while providing some of the funniest and most imaginatively gags of any Woody Woodpecker cartoons in a long time. While the animation is still a bit simple and rushed-looking in the drawings, the colours and attention to detail are vastly improved from most Woody Woodpecker cartoons from this period being much more vibrant and meticulous.'Poop Deck Pirate's' story very predictable and could have done with a little more variety but the energetic pacing helps make it involving. The music is bouncy, energetic and very lushly orchestrated, not only synchronising and fitting with the action very well but enhancing it.Overall, very well done pirate fun with Woody. 8/10 Bethany Cox


Look closer. The "usual suspects" are not the "se7en" people you'd expect in such "american beauty". "glengarry glen ross" does not star in this pirate movie, but you will have to "pay it forward" unless you are "k-pax". This movie has caused an "outbreak" and has even driven people to be "swimming with sharks". "the life of david gale" isnt half as interesting as this motion picture event. Dont keep this movie "l.a. confidential". Make sure you make it the headline in "the shipping news". The poop deck pirate certainly doesnt live "a bug's life".


Just by the title of this, you know it'll be a hoot. Poop deck pirate, what more is there in life. Nothing. Now we've all seen our friend Woody the Woodpecker, and we know just how hilarious he can be. This movie is not disapointing with it's good ol' fashioned humor, and is good clean fun. Now I know we all like our dirty jokes, such as in the movie American Pie. I sure know I do. But occasionally it's nice to get back from the degenerative society and watch a nice movie starting a talking bird.
