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Coming Soon

Coming Soon (1999)

June. 08,1999
| Comedy Romance

Privileged teenage friends Jenny, Nell and Stream spend their senior year on a quest to rid Stream of her virginity. However, Stream wants more than just her first sexual experience. She wants to have an orgasm -- but achieving this proves problematic, as the boys she meets are hardly sensitive enough to provide her the release she seeks. When it becomes clear that Nell and Jenny have never experienced an orgasm either, all three set out to get one.


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I watched this movie last night on TV.Although some of it was a little shoddy (like the ending, and the eventual fate of the two best friends) it was in general quite good.The point a lot of people miss is that this is EXACTLY how teenage girls from that particular demographic talk and act. They're not articulate, they're pretentious, they waffle on about things they couldn't possibly understand, they're very shallow and they're deeply insecure drama queens. It was actually like being back at school again for me.Ryan Reynolds also looks like my husband...so I found him pretty sexy (especially singing).I agree that some of the casting would have been more appropriate if the actors were closer to their characters' ages, and that better editing would have tightened it all up, but it was a nice popcorn movie.Think of Liv Tyler's character in "Empire Records", this is a movie about girls like that- neurotic, pressurised, rich kids.It's not going to resonate with everyone, but some of us will actually manage to identify with the whole thing, and then it's really, really funny.

Wayne Smith

My fiance and I watched the little trailer for this despicable movie the other night on some movie channel. We figured we'd watch it since nothing else was on and I'm glad I did."Coming Soon" is possibly one of the worst movies ever made. I usually save words like those for movies like, "Fear Dot Com," but I was truly sickened by what was written and portrayed in this movie. Because I couldn't find the writer/director's home address, I figured this is the next best forum to voice my disgust with this movie."Coming Soon" stars a cast of whining 20-somethings as high school seniors. They all come from rich families, they go to private schools, they have drivers, they're models and get into Harvard... so from the beginning we know this is a fantasy movie, right? The subject of the movie tries to focus on how teenage girls learn to orgasm. It sounds more like an episode of "Sex and the City" to me. So we're basically dealing with a topic that pertains more so to older women.But what happens when these younger girls, who the movie is aimed towards, watch this movie? The writer idolizes the main character (somehow she's smart but never studies, has a "cool" name, Stream, and has similar problems of boyfriends being jerks in high school) so girls around that age will sympathise with Stream. What happens, though, is they are introduced by other things, such as smoking all the time, drinking all the time, going to clubs while still underage, and having pre-marital sex with someone she really doesn't like. She develops a thing for the quirky (not actually quirky but the movie portrays it that way since everyone else's norm is stuck-up rich kid) MTV video star Ryan Reynolds... a favorite of mine from Nickelodeon's Canadian Drama "Fifteen." Don't we all remember those guys we knew in high school who had a crappy band that made it to MTV while still in high school?The movie goes between this fantasy world and real world too much, and seems like it was made to encourage underage everything. I'm ashamed that this movie was ever made, not because of its topic of female orgasm, but because of its morally degenerative story.


Ughh. This is a really annoying "comedy" (and I use that term very generously) about three rich highschool girls and how they constantly bitch and complain about their idiot boyfriends and about not climaxing during sex -- until one of them finally finds true love with the only male character who's not a complete jackass (we know he's cool because he likes to express himself by rolling in mud). The filmmakers apparently rounded up a bunch of their Hollywood pals (Peter Bogdanovich, Ryan O'Neal, Mia Farrow and Yasmine Bleeth make perfunctory appearances), but not even the talents of a Steven Spielberg or David Fincher could've saved this movie's wretched script. The film wears its hip attitude on its sleeve as it tries to be as edgy and darkly humorous as "Heathers" (which it so obviously wants to be) and as frank about teen sex as "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." Unfortunately, the writers forgot to put even one remotely interesting character in their film, instead populating it with a bunch of boring, rich snobs, whom the writers constantly make fun of for being vain, shallow and stupid. Talk about the kettle calling the pot black. Avoid like the plague.


This movie is an insult to anybody who has a brain.I saw a lot of teens movies but this one was compare to American Pie that was worse.Three girls who talk about sex for 90 minutes is bad enough but the love scenes are the worse I ever saw.They even take a Bath with their bra and panties.The girls are cute and that's about all.to think that a woman directed this movie is very sad.Please DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE.Good for the garbage only.
