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Old Goats

Old Goats (2014)

January. 18,2014
| Comedy

Old Goats is a gentle comedy about the indignities of aging. Meeting at a weekly coffee klatch for the local over-70 set (no girls allowed!), three "old goats" from different social strata develop an unlikely friendship. One's a married, golf-playing, sports-car-driving businessman recently forced into retirement. Another is a salty octogenarian World War II vet and (still) devoted womanizer. The third is a shy bachelor car mechanic, just fired, who lives on a squalid sailboat . Theirs is the common tragedy of losing one's vocation, one's purpose in life. There's talk of sailing adventures, online dating, and a condo in Palm Springs, but these three live in common terror of the question, "What's next for you?" They know damn well what's next! And they're determined to avoid it for as long as possible.


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"Old Goats" is an amazing movie. Think about it--the actors as well as the filmmaker who wrote and directed this never did anything before this film! Yet, it's highly entertaining and very well made. The movie is a strange one--very much unlike a Hollywood style film. It's done almost documentary style--like filmmakers just following three retired men in their everyday lives. While this sounds really dull and the film is anything but formulaic, it is oddly enjoyable-- like getting to meet three neat old guys who you might enjoy knowing.David is the youngest acting of the three retirees. He's the only married guy of the three and although you'd think this and his money and nice home would make him happy, there's a certain melancholy about him--mostly because his wife is very controlling and difficult to like. She is very interested in her friends and her life, but seems to have no patience and is a bit rude to the three new friends David makes.Britt is a real sad sort of guy. He never married and lives on his small sailboat. He's also very awkward around women yet wants to have a relationship. When he meets a nice lady, she is interested in going full speed ahead...Britt is just too uncertain of himself and what to do next.Bob is a dirty old man. He's lived a very full life and has a very active sex life. He's a lot of fun but also quite an old grouch and often uses Britt and David.While these three different personalities seem to have nothing in common (other than age), the guys remarkably manage to become friends. Watching these crotchety old guys together is a real treat--and makes you wonder how they did so well considering they are not professional actors. Clearly Taylor Guterson did a great job writing and directing these folks. I am eager to see more from these folks.


It may be because I'm reaching the age of the youngest character that I related to this look at "senior camaraderie", and enjoyed it so much.While there are a few wistful streaks, they only made it more believable for me. As we reach the age of these three friends we do act and react differently then when we were middle-aged. I found this slice-of-life to be a charming homage to that difference.The cinematography was skilled and carried the story perfectly.Young and middle-agers may enjoy it as well, and even gain some insight. If you are seeking action or depth, it may not satisfy your needs, but it worked perfectly for me.


Right off the bat, I must say I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Not perfect, and definitely low budget, but still charming nonetheless. There's something fun about seeing guys just being their cranky selves, without having to put on pretenses.One serious flaw bugged me, however. Technically this doesn't count as a spoiler, but Britt was seen enjoying yard work. Yeah, I know, the script was fine up to then, at which point it departed from reality. My beloved wife and I had been curled up in front of a fire, relaxing and watching this movie. Next thing I know, I'm on the receiving end of her patented spousal-control stink-eye, as she wonders why I never help around the yard like Britt did. Thanks, screenwriter from hell, for ruining my life.Other than that, with my life left in ruins, it was a decent movie. I hope to see more from the team, as long as they promise to run the script by me first.


It looks like this little indy didn't get very far beyond a handful of Independent Film competitions, mostly regional at that. The DVD cover calls it a near-masterpiece, but I don't know if I'd go that far out on a limb to describe it myself. But for what it is, "Old Goats" is an interesting take on a trio of characters who have lived fairly full lives and are now coasting their way into retirement with varying degrees of trepidation. As a seasoned citizen myself, I can relate to some of that trauma; the character Dave in this piece is the most recent addition to the ranks of the unemployed by virtue of an executive buyout at his firm. He takes on sort of a mentor and coach role for Britt, a retired mechanic with big dreams of sailing around the world but punks out when push comes to shove. At the other end of the spectrum is Bob, the oldest member of the gang who's as colorful an old coot as you're likely to run into, whether in real life or in film. As for Dave himself, one gets the impression that he's not calling all of his own shots in retirement, as his wife has dreams of a Palm Springs winter home and life as a snowbird. A good way to describe this picture would be a laid back and understated Seinfeld episode where not much really happens but there's a lot of angst about it anyway. Personally I thought there would be a bit more humor to the story. What you have though is a reinforcement of the idea that you're never too old to pursue your dreams, and the only failure is in not trying in the first place.
