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American Girl

American Girl (2002)

February. 10,2002
| Drama Comedy

A pregnant teenager is determined to leave her trailer park home with the hope of living a happy family life.


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The DVD box describes "Confessions of an American Girl" as a "quirky dark comedy". If you are going to make a "black comedy" about a dysfunctional family, it better be entertaining. In order for the film to be entertaining, it better be funny. If it's not going to be funny, it better not be depressing. Unfortunately, "Confessions of an American Girl" is not only not funny, but it is both pointless and depressing. Family goes to visit their jerk father in prison, family come away agreeing he is indeed a jerk. End of story. Throw in some incest, homosexuality, endless suicide attempts, along with the depression, and you wind up with a bad movie. Not recommended. - MERK


Rena, a teen ager living in a small community, is the by-product of parents that, having marrying young, don't have a clue as to how to bring up their children. Rena, not surprisingly, follows what other teens in the same situation have gone through. Her romance with a boy with Kenton, a rich boy produces a sad situation for Rena and her family.Rena tried unsuccessfully to take her own life, but nothing happens. The next thing this young woman wants to do is to go to her father's picnic that will take place in the prison where he is serving a sentence. Rena wants to tell him about the impending changes in her life. What happens in that fated outing will not only transform Rena's life, but also her brother Jay will comes to terms with a problem that is troubling him, his own homosexuality."American Girl" is a dark comedy directed by Jordan Brady. The screen play is by Scott Sandoe. Mr. Brady has given the film a light touch instead of going for a more dramatic take that wouldn't have helped the project.Jena Malone is a young actress who is a natural for the movies, as proved by her other appearances, notably in "Saved". She carries the movie and makes the viewer feel for her Rena, who in another type of environment and with another family, would have turned out differently. The brother Jay is played by Brad Renfro, another young actor who has been seen in other quirky films. Alicia Witt, who plays Barby, the sarcastic half-sister, doesn't have much to do. Michelle Forbes and Chris Mulkey portray the parents of this confused family. Clifton Collins Jr. has a good opportunity as Buddy, the man that clarifies things for the confused Jay.The film shows a reality that is seldom seen in other mainstream films in which teens are happy and carefree, which might be right, but they haven't have to deal with what life has given Rena and her family.


I am extremely proud since Scott Sandoe is my second cousin. I'm really excited for him, and I hope all of you other movie goers watch and enjoy his movie. Even if the director was a psycho with the camera. I am going to see him this summer, and hopefully you guys will be seeing more of me in the next couple of years. If you don't, then i guess you will all have to live your every day lives thinking that some guy on IMDb could have been big, but i didn't believe in him. Guess What, I'll be in LA waiting for that dream to be caught and you won't be able to put me down. Well, I am going to work my butt off for my dreams, and Scott getting his movie out just showed me that my dreams can come true. Catch you later.


****Minor spoilers (I guess)****For those of us who tire of standard teen movies, here's the film to brighten our day. It's a monkey wrench in the cranks of the tedious genre that features actors in their mid-twenties portraying stereotypical high-school characters shamelessly indulging predictable plots of frivolous romance. Where most movies set in high schools find resolve in romantics, "American Girl" dares to be different.Yet it contains all the usual ingredients-aimless main characters, one-dimensional side characters, high school, moronic parents, sexual revelations, a romance-but it tastes different. This movie doesn't believe high school is the root of youth complications; it knows that school isn't where the confusion lies-it's after graduation when the complexities begin.The reason why I liked this film is because it was filmed within a fifty mile radius of my home when it was filmed (I moved after that). The characters were extremely quirky and odd. "American Girl" was clever, cynical and another underrated film. Erik Von Detten was psychotic, and Jena Malone was eye candy, not to mention gives an excellent performance.I was immediately reminded of "Ghost World" with a bit of "Blue Car", another slacker flick that has strong female characters. Rena (Jena Malone) is a depressed young girl living in a trailer park and has no idea what to do with her future, yet this is not your typical high school/slacker movie.So one day, instead of re-locating, she decides to kill herself. But she has to tell her father, in prison, that she is pregnant.Chris Mulkey as Rena's imprison father John, gives a hilarious supporting performance.Very cynical and dark...at times even funny! One of the most underrated and best films of 2002! If you like "Election", "Ghost World" and "Blue Car", you'll love this! I put in this movie expecting a quirky, fun, romantic comedy. Uh uh! (The cover is deceptive). That's not to say I didn't enjoy it immensely, it just leaves a bittersweet taste in your mouth. Jena Malone is fantastic as the disenchanted, troubled teenage kleptomaniac-cum-pregnant girl struggling to find meaning in her life. This sense of meaning and purpose is really hard to find. There are so many sad, depressing, uncomfortable moments in this movie yet it is acted so well and is so thought-provoking you can forgive it's few foibles. Highly recommended, but be warned, if you're feeling down or depressed - avoid at all costs! Watch it when in a reflective mood or you are looking for inspiration if you are a writer/poet/film buff etc.Unlike so many fabricated teen characters in film and TV, Malone's Rena is refreshing in that she never hits a false note, putting Rena's raw emotions right on the surface - she's a first-class talent and can take her place next to Alison Lohman, Lauren Ambrose, Agnes Bruckner and Thora Birch as one of the most arresting actresses to look out for in her age group.So in conclusion, the bottom line is that this movie is a well acted, underrated, little movie. If you like Jena Malone, you should watch this. My score. . . 7 out of 10. Definitely worth seeing.
