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God Is Bad at Bowling

God Is Bad at Bowling (2014)

August. 18,2014
| Comedy

With the help of his psychiatrist, God tries to recall the traumatic events that took place at a bowling alley in heaven, and regain his friendship with Satan, Buddha, and Vishnu.


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This movie is really bizarre… in a good way! The idea that God has multiple personalities is hilarious. There are so many fragile ideas that are brilliantly laid on the table throughout. The dialog is quite thought provoking, and subliminal at times. There are many distracting visuals, which make it very easy to miss some of the things being said, especially since most points are only made once. The characters give off a very cartoonish but not quite slapstick vibe, which creates a very strange tone considering the subject matter. I found myself laughing often while watching this, and after it had finished I was left with a strange feeling of wrongness in the pit of my stomach. I caught on to many hidden meanings during this, and I can only assume that this film will be misunderstood by many. This was clearly made with a small budget. The effects at times are pretty cheesy. However, if you are in the mood for something "out there" you should give this movie a chance, I really enjoyed it.

Eric Saunders

God is Bad at Bowling is a very enjoyable and VERY funny religious satire that will no doubt spark controversy among its viewers. This is not a "paint by numbers", mind numbing Hollywood knockoff but a very important piece of creative work that deserves public recognition. Is there only one God? A question that has sparked heated debate for centuries is addressed in this movie in a humorous way that will have you laughing all the way through. God has a multi-personality disorder. What better way to depict societies perception of who God is. The many nuances to take in make the movie worth a second and even third watch to catch it all. I highly recommend watching this movie no matter what your religious belief. My hat off to the director and actors in this film.
