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When Good Ghouls Go Bad

When Good Ghouls Go Bad (2001)

October. 20,2001
| Horror Comedy Family TV Movie

In October of 1981, Curtis Danko, the creepy kid from the small town of Walker Falls, was killed in a mysterious accident. He left behind a warning to the town: "If you ever have another Halloween again, I will return and destroy you all!" Curtis was buried in a locked crypt, along with a sculpture so evil, that unearthly fates were said to await anyone who looked at it. Now, 20 years later, the Walker men have returned to Walker Falls. They start a chain of events that unleashes an army of zombies on the town. Has Curtis Danko risen from the grave to exact his revenge? And will the people of Walker Falls make it through the night?


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kai ringler

i just absolutely love this movie.. Christopher Lloyd does a great job in this one, as Uncle Fred. Apparently 20 years ago or so the town experienced such a horrible incident that they don't celebrate Halloween anymore.. a kid Curtis Danko got killed and the town now fears that his haunted soul will come back and haunt or kill them if they celebrate Halloween,, enter Uncle Fred what a comical character, that humongous stack of pumpkins was just hilarious , and that haunted house was just something that i would like to live in ,, all the decorations and such, would just make for a wonderful Halloween, this movie is great to watch anytime of the year, but of course probably much better at Halloween . The acting is pretty good , the decorations and costumes are wonderful also, thumbs up to this one.


Such huge rarity for today's time - film with Christopher Lloyd in a leaging role! With the beginning of a new millennium this great actor all less often and less often gives to us pleasure the game, even more often appears on TV in films which are almost unknown a wide audience. To me has carried, I have seen this film.In a role come back from that light of the grandfather - zombie it is simply delightful. It always ideally accepted such unusual, little bit devil roles - madwomen, maniacs, envoys of a hell, and, on the contrary, representatives of paradise. In this film Lloyd's by game it is possible to enjoy simply - explosive, bright, comical and touching simultaneously game - a stream of transformations, the rubber mimicry so favourite by admirers, uncontrollable splashes in emotions and mad shine in opinion of. As it is a pity, that such roles come across recently to the actor so seldom and as it is insulting, that the general public cannot see it at cinemas.Excepting Christopher Lloyd's tremendous game, pluss and minuses of television statements are peculiar to film all - the small budget and economy is visible on everything, and especially on special effects, a make-up, suits, a place of shootings... However, it is possible to consider it simply as reserve - yes, special effects far are not ideal, and the script limps, and game of many children leaves much to be desired, - but all fascinatingly, cheerfully, interestingly and very much in spirit of a Halloween - informidable horrors and a kind fairy tale. Separate thanks for the ending, it has appeared unexpected enough and thus touching. And Christopher Lloyd's statue in the ending as if symbolizes merits of the great actor before cinema. In general, the excellent family comedy to look in its evening before a Halloween - lovely business, and during any other time it is possible to look with pleasure at Christopher Lloyd's game!

Kitty Pryde

I remember seeing this with my younger brother near Halloween night a few years ago. To be frank, I was pleasantly surprised. I had expected something boring, dry, and lacking a good script and characters, just like Halloweentown did, but I ended up sitting there at the end sitting at the TV screen with this dopey big grin on my face. Finally, a movie from family channel with a PLOT! Sure, the zombies aren't exactly terrifying, but this is a kid's movie, not Dawn of The Dead. It's always nice to see a dark little movie with a cheery ending once in a blue moon, and this one is that movie!The only disappointing thing in this movie was the fact that Curtis Danko only said one line, and that they didn't show him before his death for very long. Otherwise, GREAT movie.


***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** *Possible Spoilers?*As a teenager, I don't often watch movies made for kids. But as my little brother sat watching this one, I couldn't help sneaking a peek at it. The cute little 8th grade goth kid with the crazy long black hair and safety pinned tie was WAY too adorable. He was THE coolest kid in the whole movie, although the storyline was a little.. mature for 8 year olds. I was sad when I found out that he dies, and even sadder at the end when I found out the truth. I think the end when the statue is unveiled is one of the best parts, although I was tipped off at who it was earlier in the movie. If you want a good Halloween story, but not all the blood and guts... and a cute goth boy too.. I recommend this one.
