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Lewis Black: In God We Rust

Lewis Black: In God We Rust (2012)

March. 17,2012
| Comedy

The Emmy nominated, Grammy-winning Lewis Black hits the historic State Theatre stage in Minneapolis for a rant-filled, cathartic ride through through the issues of our baffling world, from inept politicians and the shortcomings of technology to the absurdity of social media. No topic is left unexplored in this sold out performance by the bestselling author, actor, playwright and The Daily Show contributor.


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This was the first time I had ever seen a Lewis Black routine, and I was riotously surprised. So this review assumes you are like I was: totally clueless about what to expect, other than a vague notion that Lewis Black is that "angry guy".If you're worried about what politics to expect, put your fears to rest. Lewis skewers all political persuasions equally. So unless you actually believe either party has our best interest at heart, we're fine here.Lewis takes us through a madman's views on airport security, small towns, getting old, greedy healthcare industries, a terrorist with a bomb strapped to his d---, audience walk outs, and "ABORTION"... followed by a painful pause and then "yeah there's a word guaranteed to bring the crowd to an awkward silence."Now let's talk about the rage. Again I was initially worried about someone who would spend 90 mins ranting about irritating social issues, but here's where the comedy comes in. Lewis Black's style is, as best as I can put it, bipolar madness. His schtick is to draw us in with an intelligent, controlled, almost grandfatherly setup, then suddenly flip into Freddy Krueger mode. Or for those of you who remember the late, great Sam Kinnison with his spontaneous "AAAAH!!! AAAAAH!", it's something like that, except Lewis Black's resting state is more on the polite side which makes his flipouts even funnier.I would recommend this to Lewis Black noobs because he spends the first 5-10 minutes explaining his comedy style (or as he puts it, it may be comedy to us, but to him he has to live with it 24 HOURS A F-KIN DAY!) so immediately we are inaugurated into the insane voyeuristic show that is Lewis Black. It's downright cathartic, if not a healthy dose of schadenfreude ("pleasure derived by from another person's misfortune"). And if you take this as my title implies, watching someone who is angrier than you are, you'll have a good time.


*** Some Spoilers ** I have seen this special a couple times. And Lewis Black used to be so much better. But he has gone the way of a lot of comics who yell at the camera and wave their arms frantically and substitute silly on stage breakdowns and arm flailing for actual humor. In this show he even imitates his own old joke about why we don't have solar power,. and how it makes politicians want to pee themselves. He could have found a better joke to reformulate that that one of his jokes. Is Lewis Black past it all? Possibly if this is the best show he can do in what was almost an hour. I really don't think this show can appeal to very many people now. I recommend replaying the shows of the late John Pinette.


Lewis Black is subdued and perhaps ill in this video. He looks thinner than normal.It doesn't have the energy of most of his concerts. There are cutout edits in the film that don't appear to be necessary. Guerilla comedy avant-garde editing? C'mon.Still, there were some very funny bits and if you love Lewis Black like I do, it's worth a little over an hour to get 5 good minutes of Mr. Black. The routine was filmed in 2012, so some of the comedy is dated. Still, the observations are witty and I laughed out loud over a few of the pearls.You've been warned.


If you don't know who Lewis Black is or have seen his stand-up before, then I must give you a few words of warning: DON'T let your young children or mother watch his routine. Now this is NOT because he's not funny--he's hilarious. But, he's also incredibly abrasive and scatters obscenities throughout his act. Now I don't usually care for all the cursing but he manages to use this when talking about things that really do drive us up a wall!In this installment, he talks about politicians and how they don't know how to deal with terrorists, how stupid and useless cellphones are, meeting Ringo Starr and MANY other things that make his mad...and boy, is he mad! Fortunately, he does warn you when the show begins--he WILL offend you and his language will appall you. But he's also funny. Not as funny as his next comedy special, "Lewis Black: Old Yeller--Live at the Borgata".
