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Zombie Driftwood

Zombie Driftwood (2010)

December. 09,2010
| Horror Comedy

When a cruise ship full of Caribbean tourists turn into zombies two metal fans must battle against zombie Armageddon armed only with a baseball bat, booze... and bagpipes.


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Definitely the sh*ttiest film i've ever seen. I literally just registered so i can warn people just how bad it is, i really wish that you could vote less than 1 star.Rubbish plot line, ridiculous acting,really shoddy acting and stupid humour. I'm sure it's trying to promote the sh*tty metal band featured in it. It tries to make the girls in it sexy even though the blonde one is a stubby chubby whore and the other chick is just annoying. It's also quite racist in a few parts. I hated this even more than Twilight, and i f**king despise Twilight. Waste of time, don't bother downloading it, it's a waste of film space.


To start off I have a very high tolerance for crap horror movies but this had no redeeming features whatsoever. As a comedy it was incredibly devoid of humour, the jokes they did have - zombies taking over the film studio - were so over-worked that by the time you've seen them for the third time I can't imagine anyone would be laughing. Where I thought this film might excel, but didn't ,was as a schlock horror film but here still the gore was severely lacking. Don't listen to the obvious reviews of those of who were involved with the film. So what if it cost them xx£ to make; a cheap crap film, is still a balls film.


A spoof and sometimes very funny movie. Amazingly it was made for around 100,000 pounds sterling. I have seen much worse for much much, more money. If you like lots of jokes with zombies, although looking pretty awful - they are actually 'nice' people and have rights, then you will like this movie. I know there are going to be some awful reviews as this isn't everyone's cuppa tea. The heavy metal music isn't mine but it fits well.A cruise ship disappearing in the Bermuda triangle and then reappearing behind The Driftwood Inn in the Cayman Islands - a Caribbean paradise - is a simple plot and all the passengers are turned into zombies does make it interesting!My only complaint, the zombies doing antics and speaking with the sub-titles was over done. It was extremely funny at first but even a good wine can be too much.Do go and see it with a open mind and you will enjoy. The bar man is a hoot!


If zombies exist then they should be like this! A tongue in cheek romp on an exotic island that throws in fistfuls of jokes for those who like their humour to rattle! When zombies turn up at Driftwood beach bar on paradise island, it is every man and woman for him/herself especially once they have acquired a taste for alcohol. With handcuffed lovers, sexy dolls, a throbbing 'October File' soundtrack and a Scottish bagpipe thrown in for good measure, chaos soon engulfs the peaceful idyll. A bizarre bunch of alcohol-sodden beach bar regulars and visiting star crossed lovers are thrown a into life or death battle with the craziest group of zombies that ever graced a screen. They shop till they get chopped and eventually even insist that although they may have no brains they have, well, zombie rights.If you like your humour poured on and your zombies merciless you can't go wrong. Go and enjoy . .
