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Swinging Safari

Swinging Safari (2018)

January. 18,2018
| Drama Comedy

1975: A 200-ton blue whale gets washed up on a local beach and the kids think it’s the biggest thing that’s ever happened in Australia. Behind closed doors, the Mums and Dads of a quiet suburban street are going to celebrate in their own special way, by joining the sexual revolution and throwing a wife-swapping key party. And like the rotting whale, it’s all about to go spectacularly wrong.


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If you were born like me in 73 you'll love this film. From the evel knievel stunt kid to the fondue, it's all that was oz in the late 70's. Hell we even had the same pool. I laughed my head off. Even the swinging bit was spot on for the time with all the parents getting pissed up and having a crack at the neighbours wife.lol The mo's are spot on and the clothes are like looking at photo's of my parents. Good to see the political correct 2000's didn't come into the making of this film, This is how it was back then, if you didn't do as your told you got a wack. I'm all the better for it and it was a better Australia than the nanny state we live in now, take a ride down memory lane and relive the golden years of Oz.


Having just seen Deadpool 2, which is such a letdown after the first one, I cannot understand how this is getting such bad reviews ... Its bright, colourful and laugh out loud funny ... If you grew up in a seaside community in the 70s its a must ... If you like 70s Australian cinema its a must ... If you like camp, daft as a brush comedies its a must ... Its not trying to be a masterpiece ... Its just a funny, but sharp, pastiche of cliched 70s Australia ... And gord did those cliches really exist ... Give it a go ... It made me laugh out loud ... A lot :)))

Michael Brooks

Energy abounds in this Aussie flick with lots of great set design and costumes to match and that's as far as it got for me. The rest was a bit of a dissapointment.Yes, I did expect a certain vulgarity to be present but some aspects of the narrative I just found just silly and at times plain stupid. Several minutes of voice over and fast cutting I found overwhelming at the start. There were some set pieces I found funny and was laughing along with the rest of the audience who were at times laughing more than I did, however it was these ridiculous parts of storyline that killed it for me. They kinda were absurd but the execution was where the word silly and stupid came in. Guy Pearce is always great but overall the cast's characters were not developed enough. Kylie Minogue and Jack Thompson's characters in particular were strangulated by the lack of thought given to them in the script. Mr Thompson's character just didn't go anywhere or vary. Not to blame him at all.....there was little heart in the characters overall. The sound mix however was well executed.


Truly if you want to see a funny, over-the-top, cleverly irreverent film - this isn't it. In the cinema I was in not a single person laughed at any point in this film. That should tell you something. By the time they are making a piss-joke (for the third time) that you could see coming from a mile off, my partner and I were done with this film. It lacks any coherent plot, the characters are largely unsympathetic, and the irreverence that it's aiming for is to stupid and self-conscious to work. Grossness just isn't particularly funny or clever the way poo-jokes cease to be funny beyond three years of age.Making politically incorrect and homophobic jokes just isn't particularly clever or funny any more. But I could have forgiven that if this movie had any sense of purpose. It doesn't. The ending is nonsensical. I couldn't wait for it to finish. Worst Australian film I've ever seen. Definitely up for the worst film of the year. Hard to imagine anyone could make a worse film than this.
