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8213: Gacy House

8213: Gacy House (2010)

September. 28,2010
| Horror Crime Mystery

A group of paranormal investigators enter the abandoned home of paedophile and serial killer John Gacy, hoping to find evidence of paranormal activity. Upon entering the house they set-up cameras throughout the abandoned house while going room to room with hand-held cameras, performing séance's and asking for John Gacy to come forward. As the evening progresses it seems the investigators are not prepared for the horror still within the house.


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The bad acting takes much way from this mockumentary, There are definitely a lot of creepy moments but they fail to explain how cameras can be catching video of the people who are actually using cameras! Especially in scenes where there is just one person. When first viewed it was unclear if this was a real documentary or just a horror flick but as the movie progresses the latter shows itself to be the truth. Did Gacy really say "Kiss my ass" just prior to being executed? See my 3D vision games reviews as the only 3D games games reviewer here on IMDb. Reviewing 3D capability and the respective visual quality. Please feel free to ask for a 3D review of your favourite game by emailing me at [email protected]

Maria Fahlsing

The Asylum strikes again and somehow has managed to top themselves in the level of spectacular awfulness. The only, sole, lone, singular redeeming quality that this poor excuse for a film offers is its use of sexual imagery. They say that sex can sell anything and sex could successfully sell most people who enjoy looking upon an attractive female form from the waist up on seeing this bit of Troma-esque drivel.One almost-sex scene (the couple gets interrupted) and two gratuitous scenes about breasts (one impalement of a surgically enhanced left boob and another where the same girl's bra and shirt are pulled off) are all this film really offers. The rest is choppy, hand-held, so-called "found footage" (yeah, right....) that makes some people want to vomit from the lack of stability. Some of the footage is washed out or super saturated, out of focus, snowy, or complete wastes of our time. About half of this film could easily have hit the cutting room floor and resulted in the same boring, predictable, badly acted story.You have been warned.


Sometimes movies are so bad that they start getting funny or you at least get some sort of 'okay' feeling.. well, not this movie.. Everything about this movie is just so awful.. the actors, the story, the effects.. just everything!.The acting is so bad, that it is plain to see that there wasn't a real script of any kind. 6 or 7 people talking together at once to create some kind of 'we are scared' vibe..? Not working.The effects.. whaha.. oh my god.. I can live with movies that have less good effects, but a good story to tell. This movie doesn't have both. the shadow effects could have easily been done with a commodore Amiga from the 90's, Hell it would have even been better. A black shadow flying over the road.. you just have to see it to believe it. And in the end the sound effects go overboard, in every room there is so much noise, you wonder why nobody died of exploding eardrums.If you gonna use something like the Gacy case, you better try to make something good. this is just an insult for all that have been involved, its even an insult to myself.The only good thing about this movie, is that you can check the actors future movies and avoid them like the plague.Do not watch this movie, not even on TV. you'll poke your eyes out before the end.


Gacy House probably deserves more of a 7 or 8 but I'll give it 10 to measure out the negative reviews, which the film in no way deserves. It serves it purpose and is a good film that stands out among the latest God-awful horror films.Gacy House is a pretty typical story, a group of people go to a supposedly haunted house to find out if it's haunted, sure enough, it is and the group is terrified by things that go bump in the night.I'm not a producer of the film, check my other reviews if you want. I just enjoyed Gacy House, I liked its simplicity. Shock factor comes from classic jumps; the person in front of the camera, the shadows and the characters reactions to these scares. I have to say, suspense is built extremely well through frequent returns to the cameras set up around the house.Acting is fine, half are very good, such as the leader of the team and the older professor accompanying them, and the rest are fine. Nothing really special but it's okay. The script is written well, a couple of scenes that aren't necessary but several that are really well done.Give it a try, if the first half doesn't catch you I doubt the rest of it will. All in all, a fun horror film that I enjoyed.
