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Boston Blackie Goes Hollywood

Boston Blackie Goes Hollywood (1942)

November. 05,1942
| Crime Mystery

Blackie receives a call from a friend who asks him to retrieve some money from his apartment and deliver it to him in California. Performing this good deed, he is accused of theft, but is allowed to proceed to Hollywood to help the police find a lost diamond.


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... so while it would have been neat to see Blackie and crew in Hollywood circa 1942, the title perhaps misled viewers in 2018. At least, the aforementioned definition of the term is what I learned as a kid; I guess the action taking place in LA was close enough to Hollywood. There were nice outdoor shots of the city from top of buildings and maybe experts on the area could point out where the elevator scene took place. I just sat back and enjoyed the ride of Blackie as a psychologist type traveling on a plane with Runt in disguise as his little genius nephew, fun idea! As for the ants, right away the suspense began as they boarded the plane on an ant farm held by little Runt ... LOL


***SPOILERS*** Boston Blackie, Chester Morris, and his pint-size partner "The Runt", George E. Stone, get themselves involved in the case of the stolen $60,000.00 Monteray Diamond that got Blackie's good friend millionaire Arthur Manleder, Lloyd Corrigan, in deep trouble. This involves some kind of cockamamie scam by gangster Slick Barton, William Wright, to blackmail Manleder into making it look like he stole it in order to have it cut into a dozen pieces! And from what I can make out appreciate its value even though it's Slick who'll end up getting rich off it.All throughout the movie Blackie's nemesis the bumbling Inspector Farraday, Richard Lane, ends up falling on his face as well as being attacked a thousands of army ants in him trying to get the goods on Blackie in framing him for the stealing of the Monteray Diamond which he in fact recovered, by safe cracking, for its owner Arthur Manleder. There's also pretty blond Gloria Lane, Constance "Worth a Look" Worth, and hoodlum and Slick's strongman "Whipper, Forrest Tucker, who just loves to "Whip" it out to round out the cast.***SPOILERS*** Heart drooping elevator scene with Blackie slugging it out with Slick who ends up being knocked unconscious by him not once but twice-Within five minutes- by a fired up Blackie before the movie ends. It's the up and down sequence in the movie that makes those of us watching sea sick in following g it but as we saw it was Slick who ended up getting the far worst of it. Chester Morris seems to be really getting into his Boston Blackie character with his on target cracking jokes as well as not as much as getting his hair or clothes mussed up during the entire movie. He also does a good imitation of an head shrink-er or Austrian Sigmund Freud like psycho analyst, together with an Austrian accent, as well.


A rare entry in the Boston Blackie series where he is not accused of murder. Instead, this time he's accused of robbery as he tries to help his friend Arthur (Lloyd Corrigan) who has gotten mixed up with a pretty blonde and a gang of crooks. Obsessive Inspector Farraday and his sidekick Sgt. Matthews follow Blackie all the way to Hollywood. What is this "jurisdiction" you speak of? Despite the title, there's nothing distinctly "Hollywood" about this. There are no movie star cameos or mysteries on film sets or anything of that sort. In addition to Chester Morris and the enjoyable regular cast, there's some nice support from Forrest Tucker, William Wright, and pretty Constance Worth. It's an entertaining entry in the series, though not one of the best. More comedy than usual. Blackie once again disguises himself as an old man. Better than blackface, I suppose.


Inspector Farraday, in his never-ending quest to get the goods on Boston Blackie, is even more pigheaded and persistent than usual in Boston Blackie Goes Hollywood. Farraday, ever suspicious and always ready to go to any lengths necessary, loads himself and his loyal assistant Sergeant Matthews into the cargo hold of an airplane flying Blackie and the Runt across country. Blackie, of course, catches on, and manages to unload on ant farm into their hiding place, thus setting in motion an ongoing itching gag that lasts through the whole film.The mystery has to do with the famous Monterey Diamond, Blackie's wealthy friend Arthur, and the girl and the gang who have pulled a swift one on Arthur out in California. Arthur calls Blackie for assistance; Blackie hops a plane; Farraday pursues; and it's all over in an hour.Lots of humor in this one, including Blackie in disguise as a professor and the runt dressed up in a sort of Lord Fauntleroy outfit that doesn't really fool anybody, especially since he's constantly forgetting he's supposed to be a little boy. Matthews takes the brunt of both insults from Farraday ("You know, Matthews, every time I'm out with you I think I ought to be wearing a nurse's uniform") and trickery and general disrespect from everyone else.Good fun for Blackie fans.
