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Dressed as a Girl

Dressed as a Girl (2014)

June. 08,2014
| Documentary

The story of East London’s exciting drag scene with touching personal stories at its’ heart. Individuals questioning their friendships, family and personal ambitions whilst dressing up to shock the world.


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nidgefarky .

I think I must have seen a completely different movie from all of the other reviewers as this is quite possibly the worst movie I've ever seenHow on earth you could film it over a period of six years and end up with such a rambling, incoherent series of snapshots is quite beyond me.Lest anyone reading this think it is from some rabid homophobe let me state that I am a gay man, I have lived in the East End, I do consider drag (can be) an art form and I wholeheartedly encourage the human race to seek out alternative lifestyles BUT this just depicts the characters as shallow, self-centered and utterly narcissistic

Tom Dooley

New film maker Colin Rothbart brings us a documentary that goes under the sequins and glitter of the East End of London drag scene. It stars many a well known name of that small – yet perfectly formed – circle of performers. Jonny Woo is very much to the forefront as is Scotee and Holestar ('the tranny with the fan – ee').There is film from a few years back and features many a fabulous moment along the way including Glastonbury, the Royal Opera House and the Edinburgh Festival. There is also the story of Gay Bingo. Some of the pieces to camera are nakedly honest and can be quite moving especially the stories of rejection and self destruction in a miasma of drugs and alcohol.The soundtrack is great too – check out 'I can't get the glitter out of the groove' along with some other excellent numbers. I think it is Jonny Woo who says at one point that they may not look to good on the outside but 'inside we are feeling glamorous'. I think that sums it up and drag makes the World a more colourful, vibrant place and long may it and the queens reign – I doff my diamanté tiara to all involved – truly exceptional.


I expected (and was hoping for) a laugh and a close-up view of a lot of parties and a lot of drag. I got all that, but what really makes this film stand out is that it looks beyond the glamour and the fun at the people behind it, their lives and also their hardships. It portrays whole persons, rather than just the characters you see on stage, and so you get to see more than what you are presented with in their shows. You get to see the connection between the glowing public persona and what's behind it. The film raises important questions about what it is that makes these performers who they become, and it carefully tells comprehensive and often very touching stories about their lives. This film gets full marks from me because of its combination of entertainment and insight. Thumbs up!

Alan Wood

I love this film so much! Watching this with a couple of friends a few months ago was so much fun with a few sad moments in the film. It really touched me as I knew a couple of people in the film and the ones i didn't know I felt I connected with them once the film had finished. There are some great scenes from parties, makeup, flying wigs and much more. The film takes you on the ups and down of 6 performers on the London club/drag scene and the personal lives. Dressed as a girl is a great window into the lives of some amazing performers! Go see it for yourself, you will love it!!!
