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Holy Hell

Holy Hell (2016)

January. 25,2016
| Documentary

An inside look at a West Hollywood cult formed by a charismatic teacher in the 1980s that eventually imploded.


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Karl Self

The filmmaker of this documentary (Will Allen) used to be the official filmmaker of the cult for more than twenty years, so he had a lot of video material to work with, which provided a uniquely in-depth and colourful insight into the strange workings and trappings of this group. This movie can serve up a lot more than just the usual newspaper clippings and filmed retrospective interviews.The guru of this cult is an incredibly odd and camp former / failed bit part actor and dancer (nothing wrong with that, by the way, there's a lot of those around) who apparently had a unique talent for conducting meditation session. And for recruiting some of the best looking acolytes ever. Even his disgruntled former members looked back upon those initial "shaktis" fondly, and the way they described those sessions made me wonder whether those sessions had not been spiked with psychedelic drugs.Some members then became totally devoted to Michel, one member describes how his life centered around creating incredibly elaborate fruit salads for his master. To me, that was already the point when the sexual abuse that followed became almost inevitable. Those people have to face up to the fact that they pulled out the stops themselves.Michel must have been very patient and sly to wait until his followers had severed all ties with the real world before he started to profit from them sexually. Unsurprisingly, and despite his public denigrations of sexuality which he used to isolate his followers from each other, he eventually started to sexually abuse his attractive male disciples.


Worth 8+ .Not sure Why some reviewers think its hard to believe someone would follow that leader, he was cunning, energetic, mesmerizing and a good psychological manipulator. Also, he was able it seem to channel at times energetic forces and focus people together to do so, resulting in so call spiritual,mental and physical experience that felt powerful to the group. Also a sense of belonging to oneself and the universe . People often need only a little push that way and wanna feel part of something, a group, a family, a nation. not alone. Charisma and assertive power come in many shapes and form. This documentary did and OK job to explain and show this, thanks!


I am giving this "documentary" 5 out of 10 because I was entertained. For the last 30 minutes I really started having a hard time believing that this was a real story. If it is these people have got to be complete idiots. Why would a straight man have gay sex with a guy once a week for 5 years and pay him 50 bucks a pop for it? It started looking way too produced towards the end feeling unauthentic. Having this much footage to piece this whole thing together doesn't seem possible.I am thinking this has got to be fake. No one is this stupid / gullible to waste 22 years on this.

Mike B

This was a unique documentary. It follows the growth of a cult for over 25 years. The author was a member in it and was allowed to film. We do gain insights into its leader and his motivations (a narcissistic manipulative actor). We also see how the people surrounding him venerated him – and they were all young, white and beautiful. They called him "master", definitely a sign that they were devoid of independent thought. Like many cults the "master" gave his members new names – and put a distance between them and their families.** spoilers below** And this is the first cult I have been aware of, where it was the men being sexually abused. Women, it seemed, would have only been psychologically abused. Interestingly no children were permitted. This film does provide many insights into cult behavior. We see how the "master" hypnotized and put these young minds under his spell. I couldn't help thinking, as I was watching; would these people now be ISIS recruits? One woman said that she "would be willing to die for the "master" ".
