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Lucent (2014)

October. 17,2014
| Documentary

Through a combination of hand-held and hidden camera footage, Lucent explores the darker side of Australia's pig farming industry, highlighting the day-to-day cruelty accepted by the industry as standard practice.


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Angry Human

Watched it and it made me so angry that humans do such things to these innocent creatures. We as humanity have failed miserably on this planet and would be the main reason for the next extinction if it happens. Compassion is what should drive us. Ignoring this cruelty is not the answer. Humans should unite and spread more awareness on this issue. If anyone wants to further know what the consequences of pig farming and in general animal farming is watch the video of 1.4 million pigs and many more chicken being buried alive in South Korea. This is what we as humans have done to other species. These videos are on Youtube, those pigs we crying in agony but humans just don't care. This corporate world is just money no matter how much suffering is involved.


This is an very excellent documentary bringing light upon a very important, yet ignored, topic not only in Australia but also around the world. It was not an easy watch, but it was a truthful documentary. It was emotionally moving as the documentary exposes the meat industry that many Australians and people around the globe don't know about, yet participate in every single day. The cinematography was well done in this movie. The documentary was extremely well put together, easy to follow. The narration was deeply moving. Overall it is a very good documentary. The duration was just the right length. I highly recommend everybody watch it and educate yourselves.

Benjamin Lupton

I still give this 10/10 as it is a must see movie for the practices of Australia. However, when compared to Joaquin's compassionate and moving narration of Earthlings, the narration of Lucent is not compassionate and moving but sensationalised and excited, like an arrogant 60 minutes news reporter.The movie could have been reduced by about 1/3 of the length at least. It dragged on, and the clips of the activists woven in was not fitting of the progression of the story - they could have been left out, or shown during the credit sequence as a call to action perhaps.I just wish they did this with the editing and compassion that Earthlings followed, instead it is just like a long 60 minutes piece with more graphic footage and true events.Despite this, it's still worth putting on for doubters of Australia's practices, as well as for informing yourself.


The single most powerful film I have ever seen. Australians have a catch cry 'but it doesn't happen in Australia' when confronted with images of animal abuse. This film is here to tell you it does happen in Australia. When confronted with animal abuse footage we also have another saying 'it's a rogue operator'. This film also shows that it is common practice throughout Australia to allow animals to suffer unimaginably in factory farms. This is a must watch if you consume animals. You have to know where your food came from & how it came to be on your plate. You cannot have your head in the sand anymore. Come to the light.
