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Cereal Killers

Cereal Killers (2013)

December. 15,2013
| Documentary

The film follows Donal - a lean, fit, seemingly healthy 41 year old man – on a quest to hack his genes and drop dead healthy by avoiding the heart disease and diabetes that has afflicted his family.


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This film is a life changer! Why were so many of us asleep and happy to be lied to??!! In my case I grew up being taught to respect and not question authority while ignoring me, my feelings and my body. So many friends and family too, now filled with junk food, chemicals, pills could have lived longer, less miserable lives. The truth IS out there! The truth is in Cereal Killers! And it is oh so damn obvious, doh!!! Once I'd finished beating myself up for ignoring me and evidence over the years I changed my ways like Donal and never felt better!!! Oh the joy of NO cravings, no more feeling like I'm greedy, no hunger and food obsessing, no more stomach issues. And now loving every bite of delicious simple food I eat because it tastes so good! I have seen the light, yay!


Love this movie/documentary. Shows just how messed up our eating has become, eating whole nutrient dense foods that occur naturally is the key, and not forgetting the fat! Also exercise doesn't need to be chronic and something that takes up all your time. Lifting heavy things, and the odd sprint along with plenty of natural movements could help a lot of people.I have been eating in a similar way for a few years now, and have never felt better. Looking forward to the new movie 'Run on Fat'. Well done Donal, inspiring!Karen (Good Clean Chow)


Cereal Killers takes on conventional healthy eating dogma and turns it on it's head. The time span of the experiment is short but the results cannot be ignored.I often wonder how many N=1 testimonies are needed before an idea becomes accepted, especially as many of todays' conventional health wisdoms are not based on any solid evidence! Current nutritional guidelines are based in bad science, politics and lobbying, none of which work to serve our best interests. Cereal Killers is a breath of fresh air in a stifling atmosphere of dogma based nutrition.Watch Cereal killers with pen and paper to hand, the notes you take will be the first steps on a road to health.


Cereal Killers is a documentary that follows the encounters Donal O'Neill has after his choice to change to a high fat, low carbohydrate diet. Certainly, it flies in the face of what we've all known as dietary science, that the best health comes from a low fat, low protein diet. For those who think that low carb diets are crazy, this really really opens your eyes to the possibility that the diet that has made our families and our parents' families overweight and more sickly as they get older doesn't make one more healthy than say, what our ancestors ate.... before the 1950s. The proof is in the numbers, as presented at the end of the documentary (before and after). Donal doesn't just take the latest greatest Adkins diet craze (paleo, South Beach, Mediterranean, etc) and promote it. Rather this documents his radical personal change in an attempt to avoid the health problems his very healthy athletic father encountered later in life.And radical it is.... a case of macadamia nuts.... butter... bacon/ham... all sorts of meats.... and staying consistent with his workouts. A healthy man attempting to get healthier???Also interesting is encounters with medical staff, and asking what they think before and after measuring the standards on this patient, Donal O'Neill, looking at and listening to recommendations from doctors, nurses and staff, as well as the chefs and vendors at a local farmers' market. This is a great documentary to add to your collection of materials to study on your quest for good health. BTW, it was shown last year in a nutrition class at the local college and was recommended to watch again. Certainly, at the least, food for thought and a must see.
