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Dogs on the Inside

Dogs on the Inside (2014)

September. 25,2014
| Documentary

Dogs on the Inside follows the relationships between abused stray dogs and prison inmates working towards a second chance at a better life. In an attempt to re-build their confidence and prepare for a new life outside, these prisoners must first learn to handle and care for a group of neglected strays. This heart-warming story reconfirms the timeless connection between man and dog and shows the resiliency of a dogs' trust and the generosity of the human spirit in the unlikeliest of places.


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Caught this at The Boston International Film Festival and was taken completely by surprise. What a great little movie. I am rarely emotionally moved by a documentary, but this one got me. I get really tired of docs whose reach is enormous, but this one stays grounded with the characters and their intimate stories. DOGS isn't so much an argument for inmate/dog rescue programs, but after seeing how racial and other barriers can get broken down between inmates after working with these dogs, I am convinced we need more programs like this in America.The stories were excellent. Truly interesting subject matter and characters, who you can tell have been changed by working with animals. But I was also pleased with the technical abilities of the filmmakers - who I learned are a two man team doing almost all the work. Everything from the look to the music to the sound to the editing was top notch - definitely WAY above most independent documentaries. I can't wait for this movie to pick up distribution - it would be perfect on television!
