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Take Back Your Power

Take Back Your Power (2013)

September. 05,2013
| Documentary

Utility companies are racing to replace electricity, gas and water meters worldwide with new generation "smart" meters at an unprecedented rate. With compelling insight from insiders, researchers, government representatives, lawyers, doctors and environmentalists, Take Back Your Power investigates claimed benefits and apparent risks of this ubiquitous "smart" grid program. Transparency advocate Josh del Sol takes us on a journey of revelation and discovery, as we question corporate practices of surveillance, extortion and causing harm in the name of "green". What you discover will surprise you, unsettle you, and inspire you to challenge the status quo.


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There are legitimate concerns with smart meters about privacy, inept installations, usage transparency, hacking, and aggressive access to meter locations, but low-power non-ionizing radio photons aren't one of the real concerns. Unfortunately much of this documentary is fear mongering, paranoia, cynicism, confusion of correlation with causation, misinformation, and irrelevant association with other things.

Dennis Littrell

This is a very alarming documentary about what radiation from so-called smart meters can do to your health and wealth. It's well presented, interesting and even entertaining. Fair and balanced? I don't know. Indeed, can there at this time be a fair and balanced take on this subject? I suggest the reader see this and make up his or her own mind, perhaps with a little added research.As for my opinion, I think in the midst of so much misinformation, partial information, propaganda, paid lies, emotional lies, ignorance--especially ignorance since most people really know little to nothing about the effects of electromagnetic radiation on living tissues--we need to look at the broader picture and concentrate on what we know.How can we know the truth? I'm not sure we can. But how many smart meters are in operation throughout the world? That can be estimated to a fair accuracy. But how many people suffer ill-health or even death because of these meters? That is the problem: that number cannot be even estimated confidently. Why? Because a causal trail would have to be established from the meters to the ailing persons AND other possible causes would have to be eliminated.So what do I think? My belief is that (1) some people may be more susceptible to EMRs than others, and (2) it may be the case that the electric companies have mistakenly in some cases installed meters that really are harmful to our health.Probably the most frightening case given in the documentary is not about smart meters. It is about two faculty members and one student at San Diego State University getting brain cancer at a single location, Nasatir Hall on campus. Was this a cancer cluster caused by something on or near the site (the documentary points to a nearby High Performance Wireless Research Network Tower) or was it just a coincidence? One of the faculty members and a student died in 2008; the other faculty member died in 1993.Okay, again what do I think? My belief is that a cancer cluster of three people 15 years apart (with no new cases since 2008) is probably a coincidence. There's a whole world of science, pseudoscience and conjecture about cancer clusters that the reader might want to research. The problem is two-fold: probabilistically proving cause is extremely difficult, and even if there is no single cause there will be cancer clusters arising purely by chance.As in many other aspects of the environment concerning our health the truth is very difficult to find because there will be research on both sides of any issue sponsored by people with a vested interest in one side or the other.However, just as with tobacco and climate change, eventually the truth will out. I am waiting. Meanwhile I am pleased that there is no smart meter on my home, although if there were I don't think I would worry about it. But maybe I would do more research and then maybe I would worry. Maybe not.Life is complicated and although I think this documentary is a bit over the top I think it is worth watching. In a way it's a good place to begin your research if you are worried about how electrical magnetic radiation may affect our health.--Dennis Littrell, author of "The World Is Not as We Think It Is"


What a terrible documentary! It doesn't seem to know if it's about smart meters, cell phone towers, AC/DC converters, the government, big corporations, or any number of other things they don't understand and are therefore very scary, neither does it quite know if the problem is health issues, privacy issues, or again something else they don't understand and therefore find very scary. This joke of a documentary is wall to wall quote mines, straw man arguments, and bad science, it's so bad, the last time I watched anything on par with this it was a young Earth creationist promotional film. I have no doubt the tin-foil hat brigade will absolutely love this without spending a single second to bother actually researching the claims made here, or reading any of the studies that are quote mined (most of which aren't named, presumably for just that reason). I am sure there is corruption and greed at play here, but just making F.U.D. (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) nonsense up isn't going to fix anything, in fact if anything it will just muddy the waters further. Seriously if you have even a basic understanding of the technology featured in this 'documentary' you will physically be able to feel your IQ dropping as you watch this rubbish.

Barney deDinosoor

I see from the ratings that 2 Utility company employees were able to get their votes in.Josh Del Sol really out did himself with this documentary. Personally, I don't think it went far enough pointing out the obvious corruption AND ignorance surrounding this issue. But then I do understand introducing the "masses" to this alarming information in a "slow and gentle" way in order not to shock and awe them. There are still those out there that believe Electromagnetic Sensitivity is "make believe", and I can't tell you how many people I have personally heard say "...the government wouldn't allow this to happen if it was harming people". How soon they forget tobacco, asbestos, lead, fluoride, pesticides, endless medications that kill etc. etc. etc. Never mind the FACT that NOBEL PRIZE nominated & winning scientists from around the world, as well doctors, surgeons, and endless numbers of experts are all screaming about the dangers of microwave & radio-frequency radiation - especially the pulsed kind as emitted by 'Smart Meters' cordless phone bases, & wifi routers. Do yourself and your family a favour, watch this movie and then do your own research and talk about it. The information is out there. Far too many are saying things like "what can I do" or "what difference will it make". To get started is easy, just spend a little time learning. Surf the net, watch this movie, check out other 'Smart Meter' vids on you-tube, and trust me - before you know it, you'll be hooked and joining the growing number of people fighting this.
