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Miss You Can Do It

Miss You Can Do It (2013)

June. 24,2013
| Documentary

Miss You Can Do It chronicles Abbey Curran, Miss Iowa USA 2008 and the first woman with a disability to compete at the Miss USA Pageant, and eight girls with various physical and intellectual disabilities as the girls participate in the Miss You Can Do It Pageant. Abbey founded the annual Miss You Can Do It Pageant in 2004 and girls and their families travel from all around the country to participate in this one night where their inner beauty and abilities reign.


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Miss You can do it is a heart warming look at children with disabilities and Abby Curan's pageant making these unfortunate girls feel special. At first look it seems like it is going to be a story about Abby and her life over coming her disability and winning the Miss Iowa pageant, but Abby is a small blip in a larger much more focus look on these little girls and the disabilities they suffer. It shows you what they over come everyday to just try and live normal lives. This pageant Abby created really helps them feel that way. You find that each story is different and touching in it own special way and at the end it brought a tear to my eye. I recommend watching this movie, because it really puts life in perspective. I give it a 10/10 because it is simply beautiful documentary and very touching.


"Miss You Can Do It," is and incredibly inspiring film that makes you take the time to really think about the lives of those that are physically or mentally disabled. On a day to day basis when a majority of people walk by a person with a disability we stare, or feel pity for them, while ultimately writing them off. This film shows that these are people with real feelings, desires, and ambitions.Here we follow Miss Abbey Curran who has Cerebral Palsey, and she had the determination to be her own person and be OK with who she is. She created the Miss You Can Do It pageant to help all these girls with disabilities feel the humanity they know they deserve, and to show that just because they are different, does not mean they are not beautiful. One of the main elements I took from this film was the personal lives of all the girls we follow throughout the film, and how their families have learned to live with their disabilities and accept them. Each family has struggled and some openly admit it scared them to death at first; however, having a disabled child has opened their eyes to how special their children truly are and how they love them no matter what.Miss You Can Do It truly helps one understand the lives of those we consider "different," and that just like all of us, they are people that feel just as deeply as we do.


In this age of post-empirical popular culture, we tend to dismiss anything to do with stereotypically vain connotations, most obviously beauty pageants, and in the case of shows like 'Toddlers in Tiaras' we immediately denounce the practice as culturally damaging, and the people involved as ungrounded. 'Miss You Can Do It' not only presented me with selfless characters, but it shows us what child pageants should be. An environment for friendly competition, strengthening self esteems, and the realization that our personal problems should never be a limiting factor. These children push through adversity, and you can see them and their families shedding preconceptions of 'can' and 'can't'.A truly heart-warming story.


This came on while I was doing something, and I too was busy to change the channel. At first glance I thought it was the story about Abby Curren, and didn't realize what the movie was really about. I paid enough attention to follow what was going on, and I'd look up when I heard something that I needed the visual connection to understand, but I was sort of dismissive of it at first. As the story evolved, it snuck up on me and grabbed my attention without knowing it. By the time the movie reached the interview portion of the pageant I couldn't stop watching... I'm sort of a "guy" and don't get emotional very often, but as I watched the joy of these girls as they went across the stage, I was literally in tears. I felt this movie to become a very powerful and uplifting story. Very glad I watched
