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Burzynski, the Movie

Burzynski, the Movie (2010)

October. 28,2010
| Documentary

Burzynski, the Movie is the story of a medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food & Drug Administration in American history. His victorious battles with the United States government were centered around Dr. Burzynski's gene-targeted cancer medicines he discovered in the 1970's called Antineoplastons, which have currently completed Phase II FDA-supervised clinical trials in 2009 and could begin the final phase of FDA testing in 2011–barring the ability to raise the required $300 million to fund the final phase of FDA clinical trials.


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It is true that this documentary is based on Burzynski's side of the fence. However, he does make compelling arguments, provides multiple important witnesses, and seems to have a substantial backing from his patients. He indicates that cancer treatment is not 100% successful however, he has had significantly better results from his clinical trials then chemotherapy. Most of all, for those who don't realize how the FDA works this documentary is an eye opener. This "quack" has been interviewed Dr. OZ, Oprah, and many others. If he has indeed fooled us layman, I feel it's necessary to make it clear that he has fooled thousands of doctors as well. Regardless of what you believe, this documentary is worth watching.


Please don't let the minority of negative reviews keep you from watching this excellent documentary. It presents a prime example of what big business will do to protect their massive wealth.The naysayers will tell you to ignore this film and instead depend on the internet to discover the facts about Burzynski and his alleged breakthrough in cancer treatment. I advise you to do both and make up your own mind. The internet should never be someones only resource in obtaining the facts about a particular subject. Anyone who believes that every bit of information found on Wikipedia is complete and the absolute truth is being very naive. There is one fact presented by the documentary that cannot be ignored. If Burzynski's cancer treatment was a scam had no validity why then did the pharmaceutical industry resort to deceptive tactics and patent infringement to steal it from him? Watch the movie, check the facts, and decide for yourself.


I expect this mistreatment of any genius who discovers a cure or another form of breakthrough and is not part of any large corporation. The powers who own the U.S. government, after years of trying to jail Dr. Burzynski with no success due to lack of charges against him and numerous patients who support Burzynski, did finally succeed in literally stealing his discovery and patented it under government representative names. Even a patient from Romania, who fled his communist country, stated that even in his own country, the government would never stand between doctors and their patients. Why do they do so in America? I am not at all surprised by this information, as I have learned to expect it from our government. We have limited freedoms -- just enough to give us the illusion of real freedom. If you look at how we are forced to be slaves to the gas pumps should give us some idea. We are also blocked from patenting anything that would compete with the oil companies, because they also are co-owners of the U.S. government along with pharmaceutical companies. I believe that crimes should be murder, rape, theft, etc. A crime should never be creating a cure that competes with the powers that be. Ideas and patents are TRUE freedom and capitalism, which is something we no longer have. Our government was originally founded to be "For the people and by the people." Our government has not been for us or by us in a very, very long time. It is owned by a few, and we are forced to be slaves to the owners.


----Spoiler Alert---- This movie is made to promote the business of Dr. Burzynski and his untested methods for curing cancer. He charges his clients hundreds of thousands of dollars for "Clinical Research" methods of curing cancer.The movie is very self-serving and boring. Emotional at the beginning, but then drones on about how Dr. Burzynski is a victim of vast conspiracies. The dialog is completely one sided without any of the agencies in question ever being given a chance to speak for themselves. Imagine That.He rails against Government and "Big Pharma" as trying to put him out of business. But he himself pushes back hard against anyone who speaks against him.He threatens to sue anyone that publishes anything contrary to what he has to say claiming it to be libel. His representatives are known for thug tactics. Google "Rhys Morgan" for more on that.I Won't be surprised if this review gets deleted or never makes it to print.
