City of Borders (2009)
Interviews with the owners and diverse patrons of a Jerusalem gay bar called "Shushan."
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MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS I saw this film and thought it was fresh and original. While if it was about heterosexual people in Isreal and Palestine it would have seemed typical romeo and Juliet stuff, this film took it to the next level. it was funny, romantic, sad.there was a feeling of constant dread that i felt throughout. Expecting some extremist to come out of nowhere and attack. I felt I was part of that community. I was always interested.My sincere congrats to the filmmakers. I would say that my only complaint is it has too many endings-like 5 of 6 places it should have ended and would have been completely satisfying. i thought it was me at first but i asked other viewers who thought the same thing. almost as if they were trying for feature length. It would have made a stunning 40 minute short documentary. at 66 mins it's slightly padded, but does not take away from the investment the viewer has made very very well done.