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Loose Change: Final Cut

Loose Change: Final Cut (2007)

November. 11,2007
| Documentary

Loose Change Final Cut is the third installment of the documentary that asks the tough questions about the 9/11 attacks and related events. This movie hopes to be the catalyst for a new independent investigation, in which the family members receive answers to their questions, and the TRUE PERPETRATORS of this horrendous crime are PROSECUTED and PUNISHED.


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If you want to see a man who lies so much that he almost believes himself then watch the acting genius that is Alex Jones.Behold a man who managed to dupe thousands of uninformed people by making himself seem like a loud honest Texas family man. Behold a man who serves his capitalist Koch masters so well that he doesn't go a day without badmouthing communism and socialism. Behold a man who respected the conservative tool Glenn Beck and then, after Beck called him a psycho, began to talk a little less respectfully about Beck. Behold a man who tries to exploit every opportunity to make himself more popular, the way he did with the 9/11 truth movement. Behold a man who constantly quotes the British intelligence project Wikipedia. That deceiving man is Alex 1776 Jones, a true American patriot who constantly violates the constitution. Alex Jone is the reason why the word DECEPTION was invented.


It's difficult to assign an accurate score to this film. As a propaganda piece meant to mobilize the young and the ignorant, it's absolutely brilliant. The director does a terrific job at playing on the emotions and insecurities of the audience. He shapes questions as if they were answers, thereby creating false assumptions in the mind of the viewer without ever making clear statements or accusations. He throws out "questions" like a machine, succeeding phenomenally in creating a terrifying atmosphere of gloom and paranoia without needing to tie the details together. He manifests a grand conspiracy-theory which seems clear and obvious, without even having to offer a coherent narrative. It's clear that the authors are masters of propaganda and conspiracy-mongering - they seem to have an in-depth understanding of human psychology, and pull no punches in using it to their advantage.On the other hand, as a documentary, this film is a complete failure. The same points which make it such a successful propaganda piece also make it useless as a source of information. The lack of a coherent narrative means that many of their points contradict each other. The leading questions create erroneous perceptions, and no answers are ever provided. The points themselves fall apart the first time you attempt to examine them. Trying to verify the claims of this film after watching it is rather like suddenly discovering the most amazing and complex machine in all of human history ... only to have it crumble to dust the moment you touch it.These shortcomings lead me to conclude that this film would probably fit better in the "horror" and "fantasy" categories, which is rather apt; it turns out that Loose Change was initially meant to be a fictional film, and only turned into a "documentary" once it's authors realized they'd make more money by scamming the gullible.Overall, I have to give Loose Change a 2 out of 10, just on principle. Much like with the German classic "Triumph des Willens", I can admire the skill of the film-makers and the artistic merits of the movie, while protesting the harm it has caused to the people who fell for it. Unlike a film which is marketed as fiction, Documentaries have the power to change lives - a power which the makers of Loose Change have wantonly abused.


This so called "Documentary" state that George Bush and a secret Government conspiracy somehow managed to plan and execute 9/11, and make Arabs look responsible. Though you should never accept what the government says blindly, then you should look at all cases with a fresh perspective now and again. Could the US government have planned 9/11? No. They could not. That would be idiotic. No governments in history have ever successfully kept a secret of such a magnitude. The very thought implies that not a single person in the American government have any moral values what so ever – that they would gladly sacrifice 3000 innocent people, to loose a war in Iraq. But that simply is an idiotic idea. Such big and horrible secrets always leak. Always. Look at Watergate: Someone in the high levels of the US Government leaked the story to the press, which lead to the Watergate-scandal, which lead to that Nixon had to resign as president. And that was only about a simple break-in into a democrat-office, what you conspiracy theorists are talking about is the biggest mass-murder in modern American history. But I doubt you people know that. Watergate proves that something like 9/11 could not have been planned by the Government without the public knowing. Also they must have been insane to try something that stupid. Also: do you conspiracy-theorists really think that the white house could engineer the most elaborate attack on its self, without leaving behind any proof - when they could not even hide the fact that Bill Clinton had a blow-job in the oval office?Evidently all the conspiracy claims put forth in this documentary have all been debunked by: Popular Mechanics, BBC, The History-Channel, 911myths.com and loosechangeguide.com. Case closed. Get on with your lives, people.


When I first saw this video I was completely blown away by it and saw no way other to explain the events of 911. Fortunetely I came across another similar video on this site where someone posted a comment about an opposing video named "Screw Loose Change". Being the real truth seeker that I am I decided to give a fair shot. What I found in this video was the complete destruction of any credibility that Loose Change once had. The video goes through Loose Change point by point and tells the whole truth about it. Once you watch "Screw Loose Change" you will realize that Loose Change is nothing more than a clever and cunning manipulation of the evidence and that it holds no ground once fully examined. If you have never seen Loose Change save yourself the two hours and a whole lot of propaganda and lies and watch something with real facts about 911.
