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The Beautiful Truth

The Beautiful Truth (2008)

November. 14,2008
| Documentary

A troubled 15-year-old boy attempting to cope with the recent death of his mother sets out to research Dr. Max Gerson's claims of a diet that can cure cancer as his first assignment for home-schooling in this documentary from filmmaker Steve Kroschel (Avalanche, Dying to Have Known).


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The movie itself is basically a sequel to a great move called The Beautiful Truth (2008) and pretty much takes off where the first one finishes.. It's like Steve Kroschel had some extra material that would've made the first movie too long, so he decided to save it for another if the first one gets good reviews. It's the same idea, and similar topics as the first one and it is very interesting, however at the same time it very annoying at the moments that i had a hard time keeping it playing..Steve Kroschel is a great director, but forcing himself so much to find a place for his son in this documentary was a horrible idea... Even though he was trying to present this documentary as a brainchild of his son, there was no single moment in the movie where it hasn't been blatantly obvious that his son is not even able to read a single paragraph properly let alone to direct a part of the movie and make something on his own.. It was basically "Show the kids,where the daddy works, day" turned bad...He made the same mistake, Coppola has made in godfather trying so hard to fit his kid into the picture not thinking that it is a movie and not a "family thing", and that he should find someone who can actually act, not a total anti-talent so he got the similar outcome..It was so annoying that rating the movie with 6 stars i feel i am being generous..


Crunchy kitten, I think you're a moron. First of all, since the beginning of man it has always been true that food is medicine, medicine is food. You ARE what you eat, duh! So, eat the most fresh, organic, living foods possible and nourish all the bodie's cells so that they are able to fully carry out the complex molecular processes needed for us to function each day. Of course there are billion dollar interests in propagating the current "way of medicine" which is clearly not working as Americans are getting SICK AND SICKER by the day, dying of myocardial infarctions left and right,and you're telling me that somehow our current "medicine" (i.e. shoving multiple synthetic drugs down peoples throats and feeding the IV sugar) is truly working? You must be blind and ignorant if you are going to in any way disagree with the genius of Dr. Max Gerson. I am going to be working in the area of nursing/medicine when I graduate shortly and I plan on working in an area that implements Gerson therapies and organic living as it is truly the only way to live; not only is this lifestyle conducive to one's own health but it is also conducive to a green environment. Unlike many of the people who attempt to discredit this man's work, I've actually taken a Biology course and know what I'm talking about :) :)


I have never reviewed a movie here, but I must for this film. The film, from 2008, talks about the health of our Country from a medical and food standpoint. There are literally billions of dollars in profits that The Pharmaceutical and Big Food companies make, and this film will explain how that happens, and the subsequent DIRECT affect on your health. I will honestly say that I was in the 'other' camp, 5 years ago, believing that they were helping me, with drugs and GMO foods. You will see examples of how this has happened through our Media, and some will make you gasp! I hope that 1 person watches this, and has their life transformed for the better. As a Type 1 Diabetic who is off of all other medications except insulin, and my insulin levels are 1/2 of where they were before I started doing this, I am also living proof that it works. Enjoy!


This is a good movie to see for anyone even slightly open to alternative medicine / holistic health. It was interesting to hear the success stories of people who were saved by Gerson Therapy, which I don't doubt a bit (I know people who have survived cancer using similar means). However, I wish the film hadn't given the impression that --everyone-- gets better with Gerson, which of course isn't truth for any therapy.It surprises me that some people are still so hostile to the fact that changes in diet can change a diagnosis like cancer. If you think about how you got cancer in the first place (just coincidence??? just genetics??? C'mon...) then it is easier to think about diet as cause, complication and/or cure. I guess it will just take time for more people to come around.The movie was pretty well done. Very heavily biased towards the positive side of Gerson, very little airing of people dissenting against it, just a few seconds of those interviews, and unfortunately, focusing on guys like Stephen Barrett, who have been completely discredited in the medical field. I wish they would have had some good back-and-forth discussion on the pros and cons of Gerson without just throwing up a straw man like Barrett who is so easy to disparage. Unfortunately, stuff like Gerson Therapy tends to be a very emotional topic for Western medical specialists, so it must have been hard to find a person who could talk intelligently and somewhat calmly about it.The movie tries to make this a personal journey for this young man, as he discovers what is going on with Gerson Therapy and food as medicine. I think the movie was paced nicely and it wasn't too preachy. Overall, quite good. 8 stars out of 10
