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When Boys Fly

When Boys Fly (2002)

June. 13,2002
| Drama Documentary Romance

Non-fiction account of three men as they find their place in the Circuit Party Scene.


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I showed this to some 20-somethings who harken from small towns and are currently going to school where the closest gay bar is 3 hours away.My purpose was to expose them to one aspect of gay life that is the topic of much discussion, as well as experience, so that, at the very least, if they are ever confronted with this aspect of gay life and its various situations that are integral to it, they can at least make an "informed choice".They certainly got into the "cuteness" of the physiques, and were quick to point out how the younger lad of the couple was totally into his older partner just by the way the younger lad looked into his partner's eyes.But the drug use and the antics of the "gay party boys" drew strong negative response. I don't know that this movie affected my 20-somethings to the point that they will never attend a Circuit Party; I do know that they don't view Circuit Parties as something "mysterious"/"intriguing" - filled with adventure and lust and romance - even a gay rite of passage.


I will try very hard not to air my grievances with gay culture but before I begin my dissertation I'm inclined to preface my comments. As a gay black male 20something I'm appalled to read comments that insist that such behavior that takes place in "When Boys Fly" is something we (gay culture) should all identify with. I find these narrow-minded assessments truly and ironically limit the scope of diversity and tolerance that our community so boastfully touts. It's clear that even those of us who demand diversity and tolerance amongst our brethren - that we ourselves do not embrace such noble notions. It's obvious that my follow posters share a similar disdain for the content of this documentary and not so much for the documentary itself. Some have seemingly confused a personal dislike of the content, even certain or all individuals with the documentaries merit as a credible "documentary." Clearly some have also called that into question as well. I personally choose to acknowledge that this documentary has no obligation other to depict the "truth" as it unfolded before them. This in my opinion gives this documentary merit as it provides objective material insomuch as an unbiased insight into a very "exclusive" niche in the gay world. Albeit a niche (subculture) that perpetuates an ongoing view of gay culture as being an elitist clique of excursionists who are youth-obsessed Caucasian males controlled by little more than an unhealthy preoccupation with looks, aesthetics and vanity and above all else INSTANT GRATIFICATION. A sentiment echoed by a follow poster:Author: Ripshin from Texas I honestly can't stand these people, a sorry group of low-rent white trash. Toned bodies do not make a man, and the low intellect of the subjects, along with their total lack of class, make this a difficult film to watch.While I choose to reserve judgment on these individuals the thought is more succinctly espoused by another poster:Author: info ed (info [email protected]) Apparently, none of these guys are able to really find community unless it's accompanied by drugs and sex. Oh, and being white and having a great body doesn't hurt either. This documentary (which at times seems a bit forced) aspires to be hard hitting...I guess in the end I enjoyed the documentary for what it wasÂ…disheartening and unflattering as the content may have been for me - there's no need to kill the messenger!!


The film was facinating! I completely enjoyed this film. It was a raw and real depiction of the party lifestyle. The film direction and production was professionally done. Bravo to all those involved. It was extremely brave of the main characters to expose themselves in this way.


It might be a good thing that I've never seen "Circuit", which is the film that everyone seems to keep comparing this piece to. I got to see "When Boys Fly" when it appeared at the Austin Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival and really enjoyed the experience.This is a film about a circuit party, one of those big all-night events frequented by gay die-hard participants who will travel across the country. For those of you still in the dark, a circuit party is basically a rave, except the guests are almost all gay and in a variety of age ranges and occupations. Oh yeah, and there's a LOT of sex and drugs.I saw this movie two days before attending my first circuit party and it both excited and intimidated me. The subjects clearly explain that they attend these events despite the fact that others may think they're lame or laden with too many drugs or simply too expensive. Obviously, these are gay men, and as many of us know, gay men rarely conform to what the rest of society calls "normal", which I suppose is part of what these circuit parties are all about: the chance to express yourself through dance, partying, and hanging with friends.It all comes out as great fun; the actors/subjects are cute, funny, and for the most part we really care about them. I came out of the theater feeling as hungover as those in film, however, as the moral of the story is crystal clear: too much of a bad thing can be destructive. One should never think one is too smart to get swallowed up by the party scene.
