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The Ground Truth

The Ground Truth (2006)

September. 15,2006
| Documentary War

Sometimes the greatest act of courage is to tell the truth. Hear and witness our soldiers in this penetrating film. The shocking Iraq War ground conflict is only a prelude to the even more challenging battles these reluctant heroes face upon their return home.


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... Old men sending young men into war to be killed, maimed (physically and mentally) for oil, natural resources, money, power, politics, and egos. Our nation's fighting forces are disguised mercenaries for hire to the nation's big corporations and their CEOs. Young people join the services should know one plain and simple fact: You are freely signing up for a job to kill or be killed... and it has nothing to do with those big fancy words that your government and leaders have drilled into your heads such as: Democracy, Freedom, Justice, Peace, Liberty, Human Rights, Patriotism, Heroism, etc.So, don't go crying at the end of your tour of duty, because you've been warned (and you should have known and learned before hand if you read our nation's history and research the topic thoroughly before you so eagerly sign on the dotted line) and remember, this country doesn't have a compulsory military service (or conscription)system, but rather it's an all voluntary armed forces.Think of it just a job (and it is), a job happens to be violent, with weapons and killings. Your benefits are your guaranteed salaries, your one month vacation, your room and board, your commissary and PX privileges, your education benefits, your VA Loans, your free health care for life, your free burial plot and expense, your VA status and privileges... So, you have an unusual job, then you have more benefits than your normal civilian job. So, take the trade offs into consideration.Remember, go in with wide eyes open and know your purposes with personal goals to be achieved. Use your time in service wisely (first by choosing the right MOS - Military Occupational Specialty) but don't let being used (by going away emptied handed once you're Echo Tango Sierra - ETS (Expiration Term of Service)). Think hard and have at least one executable back up plan in the case you get maimed or injured. Sgt, Tank Commander, 8th ID, 5/33rd Armor, Bravo Company, 2nd PLT, B-23


I desperately need this on a tape, not a DVD, and soon!I have one nephew who is in the infantry but has not yet deployed, although he set to go to Iraq soon after December 2008. I lost my beloved step son in Ramadi Iraq on 09-15-05 from an unmanned missile in a green zone. I have another nephew who is joining the army as soon as he graduates from high school this spring because he, like his older brother, has some idealized and romanticized idea about what serving in the military is. My stepson died after only 10 days in country and he never went out on any missions so my nephews have no way to reference any of the experiences shown in this candid documentary from any type of personal experiences that might have been conveyed by my now deceased son. There is nothing I can do about those who are in, or now gone, but I have one left that has not raised his hand and been sworn in YET. I desperately want him to do so informed, none of the others did.Pleases help me with this.The movie documentary The Ground Truth is the best visual reference I have ever seen. I need to somehow make my youngest nephew see what he is getting himself into before it is to late. BUT: ( do not laugh )I NEED my mother to see this first. She must actually see and hear these men and women, not simply the idea of them, but the truth of what they will be immersed in, possibly forever. Then she will have the emotional determination to make my brother watch this film and once he has then he may then make his son, my youngest nephew, watch it too. Then, my nephew might begin to take this seriously. ((( is there another time when this will be shown on TV ? if so please tell me when ? )))However, my problem is, my mother does not own a DVD player, she still uses video ( is that correct? with tapes ? ) So, I need to find a way for her to be able to watch this film. Can I purchase this from anyone in that form? If not, is there any other way for me to get this in the form of a tape from anyone? Is there any legitimate link from which I can pay to download it onto my computer and then transfer it to a tape. If so who would I contact. I will gladly pay for the privilege providing it is a legitimate link. Or,if you have any alternative ideas I will consider anything you can suggest.Please help me, I have lost one very precious adored and loved one already, I already know my oldest nephew will never be the same when he returns and I may loose him too. I cannot loose three and the emotional toll for all of those that do make it back is too high a price to pay for every male child in my family of that generation. Please help me. I will happily call you, email me a number if that is the best way to get the needed information. Thank you so much for any help you can offer.Sincerely, Lori Swanberg [email protected]


The information contained in this movie is somewhat familiar to many who have been paying attention to the news lately. The Walter Reed scandals show a small part of the fact that we are not doing a good job taking care of our injured heroes when they return.What this movie further shows is a truth common to all wars. The psychological trauma that soldiers suffer while engaging in war and the difficulty they have when returning to civilian life. They are not just changed or affected, they are different people and most do not know how to deal with that as they do not know themselves.Finally, this film shows what the military does to our young men in women in getting them ready for war and the policies and practices that they have to follow in prosecuting war that leads to all the psychological trauma.We have over 3000 dead soldiers in the four years of this invasion; but we have many tens of thousands that will suffer lifelong physical and psychological trauma because of this war. It doesn't matter what side you are on, it behooves you to know the cost of war to decide if we should be in that business. This film illustrates the costs to the men and women perfectly.


I caught this at a screening at the Sundance Film Festival and was in Awe over the absolute power this film has. It is an examination of the psychological effects on our brave soldiers who join the military with hopes that they will protect and serve our country with honor as well as be taken care of by our government for it. The film details the psychological changes that takes place in boot camp as the soldiers are turned into "killers for their country" and put into the war and the after effects once they return home. It also portrays the effect that killing has on the human psyche. It pays homage to the Soldiers and never ever criticizes the soldiers unlike other films, instead criticizes a system that is not prepared to and does not take care of all the physical and psychological needs of the returned Vets.This film is powerful, moving, emotional and thought provoking. It stands as a call to arms to support our troops not only by buying stickers and going to parades but by actually listening to them, and helping to support a change in the way their health and well being is taken care of after the killing ends.The best film of the Festival so far, ****/****
