Europe in the Raw (1963)
Russ Meyer's documentary about the underground vice world of Europe.
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Feeling a bit disappointed by Russ Meyer's surprisingly dull take on the Western genre with Wild Girls of the Naked West,I decided to take a peak at Meyer's take on a hopefully more fun and sleazy sub-genre:the Mondo documentary.The plot:Sercureing a movie camera in a suitcase,a film maker goes on a tour of Europe,secretly filming the landmarks of each city.View on the film:For the last in his silent,narration only, (in this film done by a very good Franklin L. Thistle) writer/director/producer/cinematography and editor Russ Meyer gives the movie a sharp streak of dead pan sarcasm,with Meyer making every city in Europe not to be filled with any monuments or landmarks,but to instead solely contain night clubs,strippers and prostitutes.This is empathised by zingers from Thistle such as "A trip to Paris is never complete without a visit to a prostitute!."Despite Marlin Skiles giving the movie a smooth Jazz score and all of the terrific actresses being very easy on the eye,Meyer sadly runs his paternally hilarious tour of Europe into the ground,due to recycling the same footage a number of times in the film, (some of which would later be used in his next Mondo doc:Mondo Topless) which leads to the at first funny sight gags becoming dull when repeated for the fifth times,and leads to the movie being much more "well done" then "raw".