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Old Fashioned

Old Fashioned (2014)

October. 18,2014
| Drama Romance

A reformed frat boy opens an antique store in a college town and falls for the free-spirited girl who moves into the apartment above his shop. In time, this unlikely pair fall into a traditional courtship.


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This is a great, challenging film, based on integrity and good values. romantic. inspirational. truly made of what some people really aspire to have even if others don't. we need more movies like this. what a treasure, good for the whole family to share in. this will definately go into my must have movie collection. love love love.


This movie is meant as a Christian faith-based counterpart to "Fifty Shades of Grey", which is fine in theory. You can tell this because it came out around the same time, and if you read some of the other user reviews many people saw it that way. The poster reads "Love is Patient. Love is Kind. Love is... OLD FASHIONED". Love is also NOT something that this movie understands very well though... Now look, the concept that one would not have sex until they are married is a pretty common one, and there is NOTHING WRONG with that. However, there is something VERY WRONG with how Clay, the film's protagonist, interprets this concept. See, Clay says early on in the movie, "I made a promise, to never be alone with any woman who's not my wife". This is taking the concept of no sex before marriage to an extreme! You can absolutely be alone with a woman AND NOT HAVE SEX WITH HER! You can have friends who are women, whom you don't sleep with. You can get to know a woman in a totally asexual way, you know, what is she like AS A PERSON? When Clay says something like this, it implies that he is unable to control his sexual urges, and fears that he will be unable to resist the temptation of sex if he is simply alone with another woman. Rather than learning how to control his own urges and resist temptation, he would rather HIDE from them and not have to deal with them. That's not Christian, that's irresponsible. You CAN'T hide from Satan and the evils of the world, you have to resist his temptation, like Jesus did in the desert. It also has a very... rape-y vibe to it? I'm sure that's not the movie's intent, but that's how it comes off in the modern age.Clay also has some ill-informed ideas about what a date is. At one point he says to his friend, "Most people know more about someone after a job interview for delivering pizzas than after most dates". This shows a complete misunderstanding about what a date is. He thinks all dates are one night stands where the only goal is to get into bed with someone and never speak to them again the next day. We know this because it's Brad's behaviour, whose lifestyle Clay disapproves of. In reality, NOT ALL DATES ARE ONE NIGHT STANDS! A date does not necessitate sex. Maybe you two just want to get to know each other, see how your personalities and beliefs match up, find out whether or not you'd make a good couple (for marriage or otherwise), and you know, just generally find out what they're like AS A PERSON!?!?On top of this, Clay's definition of "treating a girl right" is also damaging to a woman's self esteem, he is only better than Brad in that he only dates ONE woman! Whenever Amber tries to ask her own questions or get more answers out of Clay, Clay shuts her down. He is annoyed if she doesn't answer his questions RIGHT AWAY. So much for "Love is patient... Love is kind..." On their second date she turns the radio on and Brad starts spewing his sexist garbage, Clay and Amber both make fun of him. But when Amber tries to have a real discussion about it, Clay shuts her down by saying, "Hey you wanted to turn the radio on, not me! Let's get back to the book".  God forbid they have an ACTUAL DISCUSSION ABOUT SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO HER!!! Even when Clay lets her choose what to do on their next date, she has him pick it out of a box, you know, so that he still feels like HE'S in charge... What's really funny is, this is one of the big complaints many people make about "Fifty Shades of Grey", Christian Grey dominates the will of the leading woman! Replace Grey's desire for S&M with a desire for making a mother out of her, and you have Clay (in a motivational sense).Let's take a look at what love is, according to the Bible that I assume Clay is familiar with: "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth" 1 Corinthians 13:4-5. I've mentioned how Clay is often IMPATIENT and EASILY- ANGERED with Amber on their dates. This also makes it hard for him to REJOICE WITH THE TRUTH doesn't it? He often lectures to Amber and his friends on how their ways are wrong, which seems pretty PROUD to me. Clay only sees Amber as the future mother of his children and often shuts down her opinions, he's SELF-SEEKING. At one point he reads the church book and asks Amber "How many sexual partners have you had in the past ten years?", which sounds to me like he's trying to KEEP A RECORD OF HER WRONGS. There are many aspects of love which Clay clearly has no interest in keeping in mind.The "values" that this movie's protagonist espouse about relationships ARE NOT Christian VALUES. They are the values of someone who does not want to take responsibility for his own actions, who doesn't understand how relationships and dating works, who has little interest in understanding who is love interest is as a person, and who is more concerned with turning everyone around him into straw men for his confused philosophy about love. And since the ACTOR who plays the protagonist is also the WRITER AND DIRECTOR of the movie, I'm guessing these are his values, and he needs to seek help. Maybe from a psychologist, or maybe from an understanding Christian minister who isn't absolutely insane.


I watched Old Fashioned because I liked the title, expecting romance, comedy, and a happy ending. It was much more than that. I was amazed at how well made, honest, and uplifting it was. So, I recommended it to my grown daughter and she loved it, especially that it showed how good a relationship can be, even helping a couple to lose "baggage" from previous relationships. I have lost count of how many people I have recommended it to. It's a classic and a keeper.


This movie exceeded all expectations. It gave great insight into what a relationship can be if approached with care and in a Biblical way. The chemistry between the actors was wonderful. Clay, incredibly handsome and sweet! I couldn't love a movie much more than this. It gives me hope that one day, I could find this sort of love and stirs the soul. There is a nice touch of comedy embedded in the story, and the scenes were perfectly set up. It was hard not to get lost in the movie (in a good way)! A great choice for an anniversary, Valentine's Day, a singles get-together, or just because. It is God-honoring, which is refreshing with so much garbage out there. This has quickly become one of my favorites and I love that the director plays the lead. He acted it out the way he desired it to be, and it was perfect.
