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Chapter Two

Chapter Two (1979)

December. 14,1979
| Drama Comedy Romance

George Schneider is an author whose wife had just died. His brother Leo gives him the number of Jennie Malone, and somehow they hit it off. And just when things are moving along, the memory of his first wife comes between them.


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Jack Spencer

Never got a chance to see this on stage, but it has the kind of dialogue that makes a play great with competent actors. Chapter Two just doesn't work as a movie. James Caen and Marsha Mason certainly have the chops, and for the first 30 minutes, the show is an interesting romantic story.That all ends however, when Caen's charterer has a meltdown and it becomes almost painful to watch. I felt horrible for Marsha Mason, and the emotional baggage, that was heaped upon her character.Even with the eventual resolution, I had no hopes that this ill advised marriage would survive. Joe Bologna, and Valerie Harper, provide a bit of comic relief, but not enough to make me feel much better.Movies are supposed to be a pleasant escape for the most part. If you ever have had relationship problems or not, I doubt you will enjoy this movie much.


Neil Simon takes a semi-autobiographical chapter from his own life and turns it into an incredibly kind tale of finding love after death and divorce. James Caan is a not so merry widow and Marsha Mason is a not so gay divorcée. They are both ironically leaving JFK around the same time, he coming in from a get-away to Europe and she returning from Reno. Not running into each other, they also miss seeing each other at a posh Manhattan restaurant, he on a date with an exotically dressed model and she with an incredibly tall man who wants to take her dancing. Thanks to his playboy brother (Joseph Bologna) and her best friend (Valarie Harper), they end up in several awkward phone conversations and she seems to think she's got a stalker on her hands. But they finally agree to a five minute meeting, and boy, when they do, sparks fly....The conflict in the relationship comes from each of their personality quirks, aspects of themselves that seem to bother them more than the other. He can't seem to forget his late wife, and she is gun-shy about another relationship. But the sudden rush into marriage, which brings out each of their insecurities while on a honeymoon where he once took his late wife, threatens to separate them due to these personality disorders, and it will take time apart for them to sort through these issues.The stars are both extremely attractive here, and after playing some not-so-nice roles on screen, Caan finally becomes a likable guy, one you truly root for. Mason, Mrs. Neil Simon in real life, seems to be playing a variation of herself, and is as usual, adorable and quirky. Bologna and Harper, both married to other partners (who seem to be conveniently out of town all the time), add into the mix, and are absolutely wonderful. Fresh from her long-running TV role of "Rhoda", Harper is a delight, providing some snappy lines like a modern day Eve Arden. Bologna is likable too in spite of his character's obvious insincerity, and that adds a lot of humor into the mix.A pretty musical score by Marvin Hamlish, a love theme sung by Marilyn McCoo and excellent location photography also add to the charm of Simon's simple but witty tale of two people in transition who find each other when they're really not looking for anybody to replace whom they've just lost. There's a very funny finale where Mason rushes through the streets of Manhattan trying to avoid running into restaurant patrons, a handyman spraying the sidewalk and a man on a unicycle. Only in New York from the mind of Neil Simon, who also throws in a hysterical sequence at the 42nd Street Library where a young girl groans at Mason and Caan for making too much noise. Only in 1979 New York, kids. Only in 1979 New York.


For the most part I enjoyed this movie. Neil Simon has created many great plays leading to movies such as Brighton Beach, The Odd Couple, Seems Like Old Times and many, many more. Marsha Mason is definitely talented and able to carry off this somewhat difficult role. I also have loved James Caan in other movies such as Godfather, Misery, Kiss Me Goodbye, Gardens of Stone to name only a few. However, his performance as George Schneider seems lacking in content. His wittiness and humor are great and he shines when doing comedy, but with the drama -- such as when conflicted with a new relationship and ultimately, he jumps into marriage not really knowing his new bride. Also Joseph Bologna and Valerie Harper are excellent as the co-stars who ended up pursuing an extramarital affair. I believe it is really Marsha Mason's superb acting that carries most of this film. She was also great in The Goodbye Girl. The only other problem with the dialog is some of Neil Simon's one-liners for Marsha Mason seem trite and overly worn-out. Simon seems to use the same lines over and over again for other scripts he has written. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.


In short, a classic example of an effort where the dialogue runs the film, not special effects, sex, or some other 'popular' innovation. The repartee is bright, witty, and hilarious. Reminds me of the Walter Matthau-Glenda Jackson films.The main characters' initial phone exchanges are phenomenal and hilarious. Later, the two supporting characters (played by Joe Bologna and Valerie Harper) have a meaningful exchange after being interrupted during a daytime tryst. Great dialogue. Well worth the two hour running time!! Enjoy.
