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The Summit

The Summit (2008)

June. 15,2008
| Drama Thriller

Set on the eve of the next G8 Summit, this miniseries follows a mother's desperate struggle to bring justice to her murdered son, fallen victim to a corrupt pharmaceutical company.


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With so much junk filling the TV schedule lately I've had to work hard to weed out the stuff that isn't even worth watching - and there is lots of that.But this movie is worth your time.It's nice to see a movie for a change with an alternative political point of view. This movie skewers the right wing fear mongering machine. It highlights how many politicians create a crisis and then make up someone to blame. It's easy to distract the public from the sins of a corrupt government when that government CREATES a crisis and then blames it on the victim.And this movie illustrates this type of tactic in a very obvious way. Maybe too obvious, but sometimes you have to lay it on a little thick to make your point really obvious.Oh, and did I mention one of the main stars - Rachelle Lefevre - Wow. Beautiful with big red hair. I can't wait to see her in her next endeavor.


Don't get me wrong... I by no means hated this. It's fairly well-done. The plot is good and interesting, and it had my attention from start to finish. Granted, it isn't always completely credible, however, it tends to be. It is a tad predictable in one or two places. The production value is quite admirable. The cinematography is nice, save for the occasional odd angle(including the dreaded shin-shot). The cutting has moments that stick out like sore thumbs(somebody, take the hammers away from the people in the editing room), beyond that, it's at least adequate. The pacing is fitting, this never lost me. The acting varies, but almost all of it is great, the names and unknowns alike. Plummer, as my fiancée points out, got better as it went along at hiding his accent. The character development is relatively strong, though not all the progression is believable. The political opinion behind this is obvious. The reasoning is a bit simplified, which hurts their case. The language is mild in amount, and moderate in tone, with a couple of harsher words. Now... was the Brit with the colorful descriptions meant to put that country in a positive or negative light? I recommend this to any fan of drama-thriller, the actors and/or anyone else involved in putting this mini-series together and onto the small screen. 7/10


This mini-series was an excellent achievement for a Canadian production. I'm relieved that people are less afraid of pointing out and illustrating the disturbing mindset behind a lot of the U.S.'s policies than has been the case in recent years. Most recent films have been pro-fear, pro-war propaganda. I like that it showed dissent among the Americans. The political and corporate morally bereft have their own agenda, while other members of their organizations are more concerned with the truth and doing the right thing. There are some iffy plot points, but i guess they were necessary for the purposes of the story. All in all the film is probably an 8.5/10 but i give it 10 because they have the guts to say what everybody's thinking.


I thought the movie was great, the only difference is that the bad guys won. It's too bad it didn't play the other way.They killed off Rob Stewart's character Col. Chadsworth for knowing too much and then they covered it up.Col.Chadsworth should have told Tate he knew nothing of what was going on till he was clear of him and waited for the Doctor to come back.He told him to be careful but was not himself for telling Tate he knew of what was going on.Hopefully everyone watched this movie it really was great acting for everyone in it.
