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Together Brothers

Together Brothers (1974)

August. 07,1974
| Drama Thriller

A group of ghetto kids try to find out who killed a popular police officer.


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Despite being picked up by a major Hollywood studio, "Together Brothers" is one of the most obscure entries in the Blaxploitation genre that was so popular in the early 1970s. It may be pretty unknown, because it's not as flashy and flamboyant as most other Blaxploitation movies of the period. In fact, it takes itself pretty seriously throughout. The serious script does provide some interest, though it's not without flaws. The story is kind of rambling and unfocused at times; you can sense some real padding at times. Also, most of the characters are somewhat underwritten and lacking true different personalities from each other. But while the characters may be inadequately written at times, the (mostly) no-name cast does a pretty good job acting out these characters; there isn't a shabby performance in all of the cast. And the movie is often directed in a real way where it almost feels like you are a fly on the wall and seeing real people in real situations. You can really sense the grit and realism. If you are in a patient mood and are prepared for some minor imperfections, you'll probably find this movie a sometimes interesting change of pace from other genre entries of this period.


Another typical ghetto story with a band of black teenagers searching out one of their own who killed a black police officer who apparently had an effect on the group as a whole. Of course, that effect was a positive one.The typical ghetto existence is depicted including the traditional black funeral for the slain officer.A 2 or 3 year old saw the horrific crime and spends much of the film running from the killer. The child's fear in his eyes basically tells the entire story.The n word is used constantly when the guys talk among themselves.The ending showed again the positive effect the officer had in preventing further violence.


It was back in the mid seventies. I was about six or seven. My parents put my brother and me in the car. I believe I was in my pj's. We headed to a drive in somewhere. "Together Brothers" along with "Bingo Long and the Traveling All Stars" was playing. I remember telling all my friends about the movie, "Together Brothers" the next day. A few weeks ago, I noticed that it would be playing on the IFC, so I set the DVR, and watched at the same time it was recording, and once after wards (I was working late that week and had a few hours to myself in the mornings). The movie is still amazing and must have had a profound effect on me. I recalled a bunch of scenes, as they came up, while others were completely faded from my memory, but still. The movie was, and still is, COOL. While the movie is obviously dated, in the terms of the setting, clothes, etc., it seemed very modern at the same time: The type of jokes, exploring transexuality, and that sort of thing. Of course the actors seemed so "grown" to me, when I watched this as a child. After watching it well into adulthood, the actors appear as they are...just young kids. As another poster pointed out, they did remind me of the Cosby Kids on the Fat Albert cartoon. My husband even walked by and made a comment to that effect. Having non actors play the parts made it all seem more realistic. A nostalgic gem!

Janine Pollard

I was born in 1964 and "Together Brothers" was one of the first movies I saw in The Fox Theater in downtown Detroit after riding the bus at the age of 10 yrs old. This movie has never left my memory. I bring it up in conversation with people who came up in the same era to see if they remember and I've yet to run across anyone who remembers the movie. I was in the movie theater with my oldest brother (only 4 years older than me) and I can remember being a little afraid because the movie was dark and "a bad man" was after a little boy. I also remember feeling a little pride (for a 10 yr old) in the boys for trying to find the man who killed the police officer. I've been trying to find information on the movie in order to purchase it. I've been all over the Internet but run into dead ends. The closest I come to any information is the sound track from Barry White and the Unlimited Orchestra. Is there anyone out there who can help me?
