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My Reputation

My Reputation (1946)

January. 25,1946
| Drama Romance

Tongues begin to wag when a lonely widow becomes romantically involved with a military man. Problems arise when the gossip is filtered down to her own children.


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There is no actress in the world who meets, or has met the performance standards of Barbara Stanwyck. This film was the perfect vehicle for her charm, her empathy, her sadness and tears, her quirky wisdom, her seemingly being lost in a cold cruel world. The supporting cast was iffy at best. Eve Arden appears, weak at best, before her domineering, sarcastic personality comes forth as it did in the earlier Mildred Pierce and many films and TV appearances later. George Brent was at best a poor man's choice for leading man and he plays the same role he has in every other film he's done. The two boys were surprisingly strong. But Ms. Stanwyck, so luminous, a star who was on top of her game for decades. This is her at her best and if you watch the film, you can't help taking your eyes off of her.


This was Stanwyck's personal favorite of all the films she made during her long motion picture career. And I think the reason this was the actress' favorite (merely speculating) is the great scene where she tells off the snooty society woman at the New Year's party. Wow--it has all the toughness that Stanwyck does so well in her best roles. I wanted to stand up and applaud her when that scene finished playing. I am sure she enjoyed filming that, because she is truly on fire like only Stanwyck can be.With regards to the rest of the cast: Lucile Watson turns up as the "cranky old-school mother" with her own definition of mourning. Trying to tell her daughter how to grieve is one of the high points, and makes her the arch villain of the piece. And she plays it perfectly.As for the kids-- a little too baby-faced, but in a way it shows how they are still vulnerable and still need their mother and grandmother. The scene where the women see the boys off at the train station earlier in the picture was poignant and heartbreaking without going over the top.Eve Arden is stellar in her supporting role as the best friend. I also like Warner Anderson's underplayed lawyer that should logically be the man Stanwyck turns to after the husband's death. And of course, Esther Dale, as Anna the housekeeper. The part where Jessica (Stanwyck) asks Anna to have dinner with her was another touching scene. This is a wonderful film with so many excellent moments.

White Cloud

The review by ptb-8 (Australia) had it right. A couple of things I could add - the direction was not so great - where is John Ford when one really needs him. The US lost about half a million US citizens during WWII, which made for a lot of widows. This movie speaks to (and was intended to speak to, I believe)widowhood, and one woman's recovery from loss. In that context, the social message is clear. Enjoy Barbara Stanwyck at her best. P.S. Some of us enjoy seeing Eve Arden, who was mostly a radio show celebrity. The "propaganda," Jessica uses precious meat-food stamps to buy ham and sausage to have a picnic with her boys - what a dedicated mother; talk of walking, taking a bus, sharing rides - gas was tightly rationed (8 mpg for the limo). Jerome Cowan was the only wastrel of gas. Why not released in 1943: Because '43 and '44 were peak fatality years - too dark a subject, and that ending - with 8 million men in uniform (US Population 130 million), the pain and anxiety of that ending would be too real for millions of wives, sweethearts, and moms.


This is a terrific film; lushly produced at WB in 1943 and with a performance by Stanwyck that I am still thinking about days later. I am puzzled at some of the negative comments and reviews as I went completely with this film and her performance; not once did I consider it a 'weepie' or felt it was a Crawford or Davis cast off. ... although it did remind me that it could have been almost a sequel to NOW VOYAGER (see both and you will recognize what I mean). MY REPUTATION deals in a very adult and modern manner with the perils of gossip and perceived social status and the mental straight-jacket that entraps the vulnerable. It also deals with a woman's sexuality post widowhood and the effect it has on her teenage sons. The sequence late in the film where she explains this to the boys is one of the great scenes in 40s cinema. The use of shadow (James Wong Howe photography) is ideal. Barbra Stanwyck is breathtakingly beautiful all through this very humane intelligent film; with a supporting cast of strong humorous characters led by the gargoyle Mother played by stone-faced Lucile Watson... giving Gladys Cooper (VOYAGER) a run for her money, or Laura Hope Crewes from the genuinely shocking SILVER CORD from 1932. I had never heard of this title so I was genuinely enthralled and thrilled at MY REPUTATION. It appears the release was botched in 1946 leaving this 3 year old film on the shelf until then which made certain parts of the romance irrelevant to post war audiences. MY REPUTATION is an excellent film, with beautiful sets and art direction, hilarious whimsy and very strong adult themes. Even the Max Steiner score is lovely. Do not be put off by any carping about any aspect of this well intentioned drama... MY REPUTATION is intact (which is more than I can personally say for me today).
