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Aashiq Banaya Aapne

Aashiq Banaya Aapne (2005)

September. 02,2005
| Drama Thriller Romance

An introvert is unable to express his feelings to the girl he loves. His friend proposes to her and she accepts, but leaves him when she discovers he is a flirt; however, destiny has other plans.


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I have been watching Hindi movies for ever. Always found something worthwhile. This movie ruined everything in the last ten minutes and threw the viewer in an abyss of disbelief. I can't believe the makers made such a huge blunder. Apparently there was no sanity check done. I wouldn't be surprised if people wanted their money back. I wish I hadn't watched this movie. All involved in making the movie especially the caste should take this as a low point as a team. Don't Watch This Movie. The music was excellent. The acting was above average. Editing and continuity were very good also. Credibility was intact till the last 10 minutes. It seems like the writer wanted to extend the mystery to the end and then twist the conclusion beyond comprehension or rationale of any stretch.

James Bohenek

Having scanned through the DVD and having somewhat enjoyed the music and dancing, I was surprised to see a very negative review in the User Comments. Then I watched the movie. It was pretty bad. The surprise is that BOTH guys are bad but she ends up going for one of them anyway! The songs were the highlights of the movie but they had problems such as the abrupt change of location (to London) or the way both male leads appeared to share a single singing voice. That said, I'm tempted to buy the soundtrack at the store that rents the DVD movie because the music and the songs were enjoyable on their own. But don't expect a lot if you choose to view the movie.


I didn't know what to make of it at first. The ending really threw me off but let's not get into that yet. That and I heard a really nasty rumour that the actors in the film with the exception of Emran Hashmi actually paid the film-makers to star in the film. Yikes! Well then, Tanurshee Dutta plays a sexy and sweet college girl named Sneha whom most guys admire but are afraid to approach. Okay, let me give Tanurshee some props for pulling off sexy in this film without looking slutty or stooping to low standards with her dress code. There, and let me also say that when the film first starts, she behaves like a movie-extra who can't act but this was her first film, so give her a break! Her moderate acting chops picks up later on. Cool, so on to the next character played by Sonu Sood. His name is Karan and he's a very close friend and classmate of Sneha. Naturally, he secretly loves her but doesn't have the guts to tell her. Enter Emran Hashmi, who plays Vikram AKA Vicky, the party poster boy type whom everybody knows and loves (despite being a newcomer in town) and he loves them back, especially the girls (whom he can't seem to keep his hands off of). He is a childhood friend of Karan's and enters the film in a scene celebrating some accomplishment by Karan's father who is a rich business tycoon. Upon seeing Sneha at Karan's party, Vicky is smitten and doesn't hide his affections from her. Sneha, who has never gotten such upfront attention from a guy before (usually because they are all afraid of her beauty) slowly begins to allow herself to fall in love with him and eventually they get all hot and heavy. Soon, Sneha loses her virginity to Vicky (prepare yourself for the love scene, especially if you're not used to the way Bollywood does more provocative than Hollywood! AND DO NOT! I REPEAT, DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM WITH YOUR OLD-FASHIONED Indian PARENTS OR ELDERS) and after-wards, weird situations start to arise that show her another side of the boy she fell in love with as she threatens to kill herself in the wake of the madness. Karan comes to the rescue, and after a few blah! blah! blah! scenes, they get engaged but that weird ending I was speaking about earlier comes into play and then you begin to understand why the movie is shot in flashback, as well as why the movie opened with the shot of three gurneys wheeling the three teenagers into the emergency room with another corpse in tow. This film did not do Emran Hashmi any justice acting-wise, Sonu Sood and Tanurshee Dutta are the real stars here, pay-cheque or no pay-cheque!


this movie is totally horrible don't believe all the good reviews you hear about this movie they are all lies truly Aaditya Datt you suck why couldn't they just make a love story Sonu Sood's character really wasn't needed he's a really great actor i've seen him in Yuva he was great what the hell was this a shy character you're so stupid and lame Aaditya Datt you're terrible this is a terrible movie and terrible music Himesh Reshammiya it's only good when he directs music not when he sings what were you thinking all in all this movie sucks and hopefully the director of this movie will not come up with any crap Tanushree Dutta is a bad actress anyway and this movie makes Emraan Hashmi is a great actor this movie makes him look bad god why doesn't anybody say anything bad about it i know i did so here you go a bad comment on a bad movie next time people choose your movies carefully you may have no idea how bad they can turn out to be
