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Plan for Destruction

Plan for Destruction (1943)

April. 22,1943
| History Documentary

Plan for Destruction is a 1943 American short propaganda film directed by Edward Cahn. It looks at the Geopolitik ideas of the ex-World War I professor, General Karl Haushofer, who is portrayed as the head of a huge organization for gathering information of strategic value and the mastermind behind Adolf Hitler's wars and plans to enslave the world. The film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short.


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This is well-produced, but not based on historical fact. The amount of influence Haushofer had on Hitler's viewpoint is very debatable, although there is no argument that he did have some influence. And there never was am 'Institute of Geopolitics' - that was dreamed up by the scriptwriter. Haushofer had a half-Jewish wife, was never a member of the party, and spent some time in a concentration camp. He is on record as a supporter of Hitler. To what end, no one knows. One of his sons died in the July 20th plot against Hitler. Haushofer and his wife committed suicide in 1946. The idea of Lebensraum that he professed was psychological rather than physical - Hitler's vision was different from that of Professor Haushofer. This film is propaganda, and works well in that genre. This film is propaganda, and works well in that genre.


Plan for Destruction (1943) *** (out of 4) MGM, Oscar nominated documentary short about how Germany's defeat in WW1 led to Hitler trying to take the world over in WW2. This documentary offers quite a bit of information in its 22-minute running time. Most of the stuff is over-dramatic but that's just a part of these WW2 shorts from this period. Lewis Stone stars.It's also interesting to see how they looked at war issues back then compared to today.If you're interested in this film then Turner Classic Movies usually plays it during their "31 Days of Oscar" festival.


This just ran on Turner Movie Classics. Although I've seen a LOT of documentaries etc. on WWII and am familiar with Hitler's rise to power, I did not know about the Geopolitical influence on him, and the key elements of that theory. If all US citizens could view this movie, and even see it as part of students' school studies in Civics, we could have a better understanding of how people's need for power and control can become destructive plans for millions. It is important to remember that NOW a Dictator no longer needs to be a leader of a country to finance and organize an army to go out and spread terror to undermine the power of other countries. Don't you see this going on now? Osama Bin Laden is an example. Everyone wake up! The world has changed. We are no longer fighting the government of other countries in formally declared war - we are fighting an insidious plan to undermine the unity and confidence of US citizens to weaken us, making us more vulnerable for takeover. Also, look at the propaganda machines working to get other countries to "hate" Americans and protest against our country. Enemies know that our borders are impenetrable from the strength of our military. They've devised other ways to infiltrate, break down and dismantle our great country, America. Don't be naive and think that America is here forever, and nothing can change that.

Robert Reynolds

This documentary was nominated for an Academy Award and looks at the intentions of the Nazis in future globl domination had they successfully prosecuted WWII. Fascinating (and more than a bit chilling) look at just how detailed the plans were for the systematic looting of funds and resources on a global scale for their own benefit. Turner Classic Movies shows this as filler between films and almost invariably airs this each March as a part of the Thirty-one Days of Oscar they do annually. Highly recommended.
