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Psychic Experiment

Psychic Experiment (2010)

April. 15,2010
| Horror Thriller Science Fiction

A idyllic, small, self-sufficient community. On the surface, it seems like the perfect neighborhood. Everything you could possibly need is within walking distance. But...the pastoral exterior conceals a dark past and an even darker secret. As a group of individuals-each with their own ties and agendas with the town and each other-converges on the enclave, strange things begin to happen. Very strange things. Strange enough to test- and then break-the very fabric of reality itself.


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Written, produced, directed and edited by Mel House, Psychic Experiment is an utter travesty of a sci-fi/horror—a convoluted, shoddily assembled mish-mash of seemingly random, poorly executed ideas boasting risible CGI effects that easily qualifies as one of the worst films I have ever seen. Well done Mel!The plot concerns a top secret establishment called The Facility that carries out secret experiments which enable people to alter reality with their minds, but I defy anyone to make sense out of the many incomprehensible events that occur: mysterious sinkholes appear in the town for no reason, locals suffer from a higher rate of cancer than usual, a flaming woman is born out of a CGI sac and kills a man by filling him with wire that makes him explode, another man comes home to discover his son and wife have melted, a child molester (played by Reggie Bannister of Phantasm fame) causes toy dolls to come alive and kill people, people are randomly sucked into walls by black goop, a fat woman guts her son's girlfriend, and Adrienne King (Friday the 13th) leaves the Earth's atmosphere.There is quite a bit of reasonably executed gore during all of this indecipherable garbage, and even a spot of nudity (one of the killer toy dolls pulls open a woman's top and smears her breasts with blood); while I usually award a point or two for gratuitous splatter and nekkidness, or simply for sheer weirdness, Psychic Experiment was such a perplexing and ultimately tedious viewing experience that on this occasion I'll stick with a rating 1/10. Any more than that would just be wrong.


If you are the type of film-goer that enjoy films that make no sense, you may find some redeeming qualities in Psychic Experiment.If you love watching horrible B grade actors try their very best to muddle through an incoherent plot full of inane dialog this movie may be for you! Or if you just love being confused while watching terrible CG effects, you guessed it! PSYCHIC EXPERIMENT! Looking at the reviews on here and the fact that it has a 6.3 should immediately tell you that all of the actors involved with the movie are writing up there own reviews and giving this thing 10 stars. There is no way anyone with half a brain would give Psychic Experiment 10 stars. Even though it is only 90 or so minutes it felt like 3 hours.There are so many characters(all played poorly)that you really loose track of who your supposed to root for. I'm not sure what is going on over at Lionsgate but they are scrapping the bottom of the barrel these days.Plain and simple DO NOT SEE THIS FILM!! The direction sucks. The acting sucks. The effects suck.And the special features? The director rambles on about his "career" like he is someone we are supposed to have heard of, like and be following as horror fans. (he did a movie called Closet Space. Remember that gem? It's okay, no one does) and no one will remember this one either. Forgettable in every way.Just remember any positive reviews you see I guarantee are from either the actors, the family of the filmmakers or the director himself. Which wouldn't surprise me at all given what I've seen on the special features.You got my money with this one, Lionsgate. It will not happen again.

Tony Heck

"We got word that something big was supposed to happen this week. We know that there is a skeleton crew here but everyone else is off site. I'm beginning to understand why." A small town that is home to a psych hospital is having a problem. The citizens are disappearing and dying gruesome deaths. A reporter is sent to investigate the mystery. To say this movie is bazaar is an understatement. To talk about this at all is going to lead to me giving something away. The only thing that I can say is that the acting and effects are not that impressive, and neither is the movie really, but it kept me watching. I have seen worse, but in the recent string of psych hospital movies this one is toward the bottom. If you are big into horror then you may like this, I though "The Ward" was better. Overall, I'm not sure if the acting and effects had an impact on how I felt, but I wasn't impressed by this. I give it a C-.


Mel House's story of a small town, and "The Facility" operating there is truly compelling. The story line keeps you guessing - you never know which side most of the characters are on, or which choices they will make, until the very end.Denton Blane Everett brought depth to his character, Cole Gray, which many horror movies don't bother to develop. The entire cast brought their "A" game for this movie - both seasoned and relatively unknown actors worked together seamlessly.Great FX for the budget - I can honestly say the graphics in this movie are better than some Syfy original movies, with a much smaller budget. There is a lot of bloody gore, and disturbing visual and psychological images, so be warned!
